7 citations
related to Vermeulen, Niki
7 citations
related to Vermeulen, Niki as an author
James Lowe; Rhodri Leng; Gil Viry; et al.
The Bricolage of Pig Genomics.
Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences
(pp. 401-442).
Miguel García-Sancho; Rhodri Leng; Gil Viry; et al.
The Human Genome Project as a Singular Episode in the History of Genomics.
Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences
(pp. 320-360).
Miguel García-Sancho; James Lowe; Gil Viry; et al.
Yeast Sequencing: “Network” Genomics and Institutional Bridges.
Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences
(pp. 361-400).
James Lowe; Miguel García-Sancho; Rhodri Leng; et al.
Across and within Networks: Thickening the History of Genomics.
Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences
(pp. 443-475).
Rhodri Leng; Gil Viry; Miguel García-Sancho; et al.
The Sequences and the Sequencers: What Can a Mixed-Methods Approach Reveal about the History of Genomics?.
Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences
(pp. 277-319).
Vermeulen, Niki; Parker, John N.; Penders, Bart
Understanding Life Together: A Brief History of Collaboration in Biology.
Endeavour: Review of the Progress of Science
(p. 162).
Vermeulen, Niki; Parker, John N.; Penders, Bart
Understanding Life Together: A Brief History of Collaboration in Biology.
Endeavour: Review of the Progress of Science
(pp. 162-171).
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