84 citations
related to Löwy, Illana
84 citations
related to Löwy, Illana as an author
Ilana Löwy
Review of "Life Atomic: A History of Radioisotopes in Science and Medicine".
History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences.
Ilana Löwy
Contraceptives for Women: Between Users and Prescribers -- Spermicides and Their Female Users After World War II: North and South.
In: Gendered Drugs and Medicine: Historical and Socio-Cultural Perspectives
(pp. 87-112).
Löwy, Ilana
How Genetics Came to the Unborn: 1960--2000.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences
(pp. 154-162).
Löwy, Ilana
Prenatal Diagnosis: The Irresistible Rise of the “Visible Fetus”.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences
(pp. 290-299).
Löwy, Ilana
Prenatal Diagnosis and the Transformation of the Epistemic Space of Human Heredity.
History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences
(pp. 99-104).
Löwy, Ilana
Prenatal Diagnosis and the Transformation of the Epistemic Space of Human Heredity.
History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences
(pp. 99-104).
Löwy, Ilana
Sex on a Slide: Antoine Lacassagne and the Search for a Microscopic Definition of Masculinity and Femininity.
History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences
(pp. 363-378).
Essay Review
Löwy, Ilana
A Truly Impure Science: Researchers, Industrialists, and the Cigarette.
Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences.
Löwy, Ilana
Defusing the Population Bomb in the 1950s: Foam Tablets in India.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences
(pp. 583-593).
Löwy, Ilana
Knife, Rays and Women: Controversies about the Uses of Surgery versus Radiotherapy in the Treatment of Female Cancers in France and in the US, 1920--1960.
In: Cancer Patients, Cancer Pathways: Historical and Sociological Perspectives
(p. 103).
Löwy, Ilana
Labelled Bodies: Classification of Diseases and the Medical Way of Knowing.
History of Science
(p. 299).
Löwy, Ilana
Review of "Evaluating and Standardizing Therapeutic Agents, 1890--1950".
Medical History.
Löwy, Ilana
Review of "Epidemic Invasions: Yellow Fever and the Limits of Cuban Independence, 1878--1930".
Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences.
Löwy, Ilana
Review of "Toxic Bodies: Hormone Disruptors and the Legacy of DES".
American Historical Review.
Löwy, Ilana
“Because of Their Praiseworthy Modesty, They Consult Too Late”: Regime of Hope and Cancer of the Womb, 1800--1910.
Bulletin of the History of Medicine
(pp. 356-383).
Löwy, Ilana
Historiography of Biomedicine: “Bio,” “Medicine,” and In Between.
Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
(p. 116).
Löwy, Ilana
“Sexual Chemistry” before the Pill: Science, Industry and Chemical Contraceptives, 1920--1960.
British Journal for the History of Science
(p. 245).
Löwy, Ilana
Eloge: Olga Amsterdamska, 1953--2009.
Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
(p. 412).
Löwy, Ilana
Câncer, mulheres e saúde pública: a história do exame para câncer cervical.
História, Ciências, Saúde---Manguinhos
(pp. 53-67).
Löwy, Ilana
Cultures de bactériologie en France, 1880--1900: la paillasse et la politique.
(p. 188).
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