6 citations
related to Kang, Minsoo
6 citations
related to Kang, Minsoo as an author
Ben Halliburton; Kang, Minsoo
The Android of Albertus Magnus: A Legend of Artificial Being.
In: AI Narratives: A History of Imaginative Thinking about Intelligent Machines
(pp. 72-94).
Minsoo Kang
(October 2016)
Review of "Medieval Robots: Mechanism, Magic, Nature, and Art".
Technology and Culture.
Kang, Minsoo
From the Man-Machine to the Automaton-Man: The Enlightenment Origins of the Mechanistic Imagery of Humanity.
In: Vital Matters: Eighteenth-Century Views of Conception, Life, and Death
(p. 148).
Kang, Minsoo
Sublime Dreams of Living Machines: The Automaton in the European Imagination.
Kang, Minsoo; Woodson-Boulton, Amy
Visions of the Industrial Age, 1830--1914: Modernity and the Anxiety of Representation in Europe.
Kang, Minsoo
The Happy Marriage of Steam and Engine Produces Beautiful Daughters and Bloody Monsters: Descriptions of Locomotives as Living Creatures in Modernist Culture, 1887--1935.
In: Visions of the Industrial Age, 1830--1914: Modernity and the Anxiety of Representation in Europe
(p. 3).
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