28 citations
related to Chiang, Howard Hsueh-Hao
28 citations
related to Chiang, Howard Hsueh-Hao as an author
Chiang, Howard
Historicizing the Emergence of Sexual Freedom: The Medical Knowledge of Psychiatry and the Scientific Power of Sexology, 1880--1920.
Gender Forum: An Internet Journal for Gender Studies.
Chiang, Howard H.
Review of "The Afterlife of Images: Translating the Pathological Body between China and the West".
Social History of Medicine.
Chiang, Howard Hsueh-Hao
The Laboratory Technology of Discrete Molecular Separation: The Historical Development of Gel Electrophoresis and the Material Epistemology of Biomolecular Science, 1945--1970.
Journal of the History of Biology
(p. 495).
Chiang, Howard H.
Rethinking “Style” for Historians and Philosophers of Science: Converging Lessons from Sexuality, Translation, and East Asian Studies.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences
(p. 109).
Chiang, Howard Hsueh-Hao
Effecting Science, Affecting Medicine: Homosexuality, the Kinsey Reports, and the Contested Boundaries of Psychopathology in the United States, 1948--1965.
Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences
(p. 300).
Chiang, Howard Hsueh-Hao
The Conceptual Contours of Sex in the Chinese Life Sciences: Zhu Xi (1899--1962), Hermaphroditism, and the Biological Discourse of Ci and Xiong, 1920--1950.
East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal
(p. 401).
Chiang, Howard Hsueh-Hao
Review of "Law, Language, and Science: The Invention of the “Native Mind” in Southern Rhodesia, 1890--1930".
British Journal for the History of Science.
Chiang, Howard Hsueh-Hao
Review of "Hygienic Modernity: Meanings of Health and Disease in Treaty-Port China".
Spontaneous Generations.
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