112 citations
related to Bacon, Roger
7 citations
related to Bacon, Roger as an author
112 citations
related to Bacon, Roger as a subject or category
Birth and Death Dates c. 1214-1294
Roberto Zambiasi
The Doctrine of minima naturalia in the Commentaries on Aristotle’s Physics Attributed to Richard Rufus of Cornwall and Roger Bacon.
Vivarium: Journal for Mediaeval Philosophy and the Intellectual Life of the Middle Ages.
Raynauld, Dominique
Medieval Optics, Scholasticism and Neutrality.
Mefisto: Rivista di medicina, filosofia, storia
(pp. 63-82).
Meagan S. Allen
Roger Bacon and the Incorruptible Human, 1220-1292: Alchemy, Pharmacology and the Desire to Prolong Life.
Mattia Mantovani
The First of All Natural Sciences: Roger Bacon on Perspectiva and Human Knowledge.
Vivarium: Journal for Mediaeval Philosophy and the Intellectual Life of the Middle Ages
(pp. 186-214).
Nicola Polloni; Yael Kedar
The Philosophy and Science of Roger Bacon: Studies in Honour of Jeremiah Hackett.
Danielle Jacquart
Perspectiva et exégèse biblique franciscaine aux XIIIe et XIVe siècles: un recours problématique?.
Micrologus: Nature, Sciences and Medieval Societies
(pp. 157-180).
Jeremiah Hackett
Roger Bacon’s Various Texts on perspectiva in His Later Works: The Significance of Two New Versions of His Perspectiva.
Micrologus: Nature, Sciences and Medieval Societies
(pp. 81-104).
Dietrich Lohrmann
Brennspiegel: Von Alhazen zu Leonardo da Vinci.
Micrologus: Nature, Sciences and Medieval Societies
(pp. 35-80).
Meagan Selby Allen
Roger Bacon's Medical Alchemy: Medieval Pharmacology and the Prolongatio Vitae.
Dominique Demange; Yael Kedar
Physical Action, Species, and Matter: The Debate between Roger Bacon and Peter John Olivi.
Journal of the History of Philosophy
(pp. 49-69).
Jennifer M. Rampling
The Experimental Fire: Inventing English Alchemy, 1300-1700.
Nikolaus Egel
Roger Bacon, Opus Tertium.
Ralph Bauer; Anna Brickhouse; Kirsten Silva Gruesz
The Alchemy of Conquest: Science, Religion, and the Secrets of the New World.
Antoine Calvet
Essai sur la constitution et la transmission de corpus alchimiques latins aux XIIIe-XVe siècles: Albert le Grand, Thomas d’Aquin, Roger Bacon.
Micrologus: Nature, Sciences and Medieval Societies
(pp. 191-204).
Chiara Crisciani
Death as a Destiny and the Hope of Long Life in the Latin Middle Ages.
Micrologus: Nature, Sciences and Medieval Societies
(pp. 5-26).
Yael Kedar; Giora Hon
Roger Bacon (c. 1220–1292) and his System of Laws of Nature: Classification, Hierarchy and Significance.
Perspectives on Science
(pp. 719-745).
Yael Kedar; Giora Hon
‘Natures’ and ‘Laws’: The Making of the Concept of Law of Nature – Robert Grosseteste (c. 1168–1253) and Roger Bacon (1214/1220–1292).
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
(pp. 21-31).
Nicolas Weill-Parot
Nature universelle et harmonie du monde (XIIIe-XIVe siècle).
Micrologus: Nature, Sciences and Medieval Societies
(pp. 197-222).
C. Philipp E. Nothaft
Duking it Out in the Arena of Time: Chronology and the Christian–Jewish Encounter (1100–1600).
Medieval Encounters
(pp. 213-235).
Michela Pereira
Projecting Perfection. Remarks on the Origin of the "Alchemy of the Elixir".
In: The Impact of Arabic Sciences in Europe and Asia
(pp. 73-93).
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