Article ID: CBB997205078

A Newly Identified Astronomical Table by Immanuel ben Jacob of Tarascon (2022)


This paper offers an analysis of the content of an astronomical table by Immanuel ben Jacob of Tarascon (c. 1350), known as Bonfils, preserved in two Hebrew manuscripts. The table lists the meridian altitude of the Sun and the length of daylight for days in a Julian year at four-day intervals for Tarascon and Avignon. It is argued that the entries in this table were computed using the tables of Levi ben Gerson (d. 1344).

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Authors & Contributors
Freudenthal, Gad
Goldstein, Bernard R.
Mancha, J. L.
Klein-Braslavy, Sara
Mancha, José Luis
Feldman, Seymour
Aleph: Historical Studies in Science and Judaism
Historia Mathematica
Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie Médiévales
J. Vrin
Jewish civilization and culture
Levi Ben Gershon
Ceffons, Pierre
Crescas, Hasdaï ben Abraham
Firmin de Beauval
Franco, Solomon
Time Periods
14th century
13th century
17th century
Early modern

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