A series of historical snippets of milestones in the development of selectivity in organic synthesis is presented, followed by a few prognostications about future directions in selectivity in organic synthesis—contingent on the cautionary observation that major advances are not always recognized as such at the time. The historical snippets include the foundational landmarks: the unambiguous synthesis of acetic acid from only inorganic substances by Kolbe, the Structural Theory by Couper and Kekulé and its modification by Butlerov in 1861, and the tetrahedral carbon of van’t Hoff and Le Bel. Physical chemists and physical organic chemists provided insights into rates and mechanisms of reaction. In the space of a century and a half, organic synthesis had passed through eras of chemoselectivity, regioselectivity, and diastereoselectivity, to enantioselectivity. Along with advances in spectroscopy and separations techniques, the rise of computational chemistry has added yet another tool to the arsenal of organic chemists.
David E. Lewis;
1860-1861: Magic years in the development of the structural theory of organic chemistry
David E. Lewis;
Introduction to an English Translation, "On the Different Explanations of Certain Cases of Isomerism" by Aleksandr Butlerov
Paoloni, Leonello;
Stereochemical models of benzene, 1869-1875: The conflicting views of Kekulé, Koerner, Le Bel and van't Hoff
A. Boutlerow;
Primary Documents: "On the Different Explanations of Certain Cases of Isomerism"
Ramsay, O. Bertrand;
van't Hoff--Le Bel centennial: A symposium sponsored by the Division of the History of Chemistry at the 168th meeting of the American Chemical Society, Atlantic City, N.J., Sept. 11-12, 1974
Grossman, Robert B.;
Van't Hoff, Le Bel, and the development of stereochemistry: A reassessment
Gay, Hannah;
The asymmetric carbon atom: (a) A case study of independent discovery; (b) An inductivist model for scientific method
Rocke, A. J.;
Kekulé, Butlerov, and the historiography of the theory of chemical structure
Rocke, Alan J.;
Pride and prejudice in chemistry: Chauvinism and the pursuit of science
Weyer, Jost;
Van't Hoff, Kekulé, und die Stereochemie: Zwei unveröffentlichte Briefe von J. H. van't Hoff an A. Kekulé
Lewis, David E.;
The University of Kazan--Provincial cradle of Russian organic chemistry. Part 1: Nikolai Zinin and the Butlerov School. Part 2: Aleksandr Zeitzev and his students
Rocke, Alan J.;
The quiet revolution: Hermann Kolbe and the science of organic chemistry
Rocke, Alan J.;
Kolbe versus the “transcendental chemists”: The emergence of classical organic chemistry
Essay Review
Nye, Mary Jo;
Visual Tools and the Quiet Chemical Revolution
Dayan, Anthony D.;
The Circumstances of Kekule's Molecular Dream in London in 1854
Rocke, Alan J.;
Image and Reality: Kekulé, Kopp, and the Scientific Imagination
Catherine M. Jackson;
Molecular World: Making Modern Chemistry
Helge Kragh;
Chemists Without Knowing It? Computational Chemistry and the Møller-Plesset Perturbation Theory
Masanori Kaji;
The Transformation of Organic Chemistry in Japan: From Majima Riko to the Third International Symposium on the Chemistry of Natural Products
Goodwin, William;
Sustaining a Controversy: The Non-classical Ion Debate
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