Adam Sargent (Author)
Alexandra H Vinson (Author)
Reed Stevens (Author)
This paper explores how professional engineers recognize and make sense of product defects in their everyday work. Such activities form a crucial, if often overlooked, part of professional engineering practice. By detecting, recognizing and repairing defects, engineers contribute to the creation of value and the optimization of production processes. Focusing on early-career engineers in an advanced steel mill in the United States, we demonstrate how learning specific ways of seeing and attending to defects take shape around the increasing automation of certain aspects of engineering work. Practices of sensing defects are embodied, necessitating disciplined eyes, ears, and hands, but they are also distributed across human and non-human actors. We argue that such an approach to technical work provides texture to the stark opposition between human and machine work that has emerged in debates around automation. Our approach to sensing defects suggests that such an opposition, with its focus on job loss or retention, misses the more nuanced ways in which humans and machines are conjoined in perceptual tasks. The effects of automation should be understood through such shifting configurations and the ways that they variously incorporate the perceptual practices of humans and machines.
J. Jesse Ramirez;
Against Automation Mythologies: Business Science Fiction and the Ruse of the Robots
Alessandro Delfanti;
Bronwyn Frey;
(May 2021)
Humanly Extended Automation or the Future of Work Seen through Amazon Patents
Laura Leondina Campanozzi;
Eugenio Guglielmelli;
Eleonora Cella;
Giampaolo Ghilardi;
Mirta Michilli;
Alfonso Molina;
Massimo Ciccozzi;
Vittoadolfo Tambone;
(December 2019)
Building Trust in Social Robotics: A Pilot Survey
John Zerilli;
A Citizen's Guide to Artificial Intelligence
Mark Coeckelbergh;
AI Ethics
Laura Forlano;
Danya Glabau;
Kathrin Maurer;
The Sensorium of the Drone and Communities
Joeri Bruyninckx;
Somatic Vigilance and Sonic Skills in Experimental Plasma Physics
Martina Heßler;
Überflüssigwerden, reparieren und ermächtigen: Facetten eines anthropozentrischen Diskurses um die technische Ersetzung der Menschen (Making superfluous, repairing and empowering: Facets of an Anthropocentric Discourse around the Technical Replacement of Humans)
Bård Torvetjønn Haugland;
Marianne Ryghaug;
Roger Andre Søraa;
Framing Intelligent Transport Systems in the Arctic: Reindeer, Fish and the Engineered Road
Ghamari, Sharon;
Cognitive and Perceptual Training in the Cold War Man-Machine System
Parisi, David P.;
Touch Machines: An Archeology of Haptic Interfacing
Debbie Lisle;
Mike Bourne;
(October 2019)
The many lives of border automation: Turbulence, coordination and care
Peter Andras;
Lukas Esterle;
Michael Guckert;
The Anh Han;
Peter R. Lewis;
Kristina Milanovic;
Terry Payne;
Cedric Perret;
Jeremy Pitt;
Simon T. Powers;
Neil Urquhart;
Simon Wells;
(December 2018)
Trusting Intelligent Machines: Deepening Trust Within Socio-Technical Systems
Max Tegmark;
Life 3.0 – Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
Taija Kaarlenkaski;
(October 2023)
Cows and Humans as Technology Users: Multispecies Agency and Gender in Automated Milking Systems in Finland
Ethem Alpaydın;
Machine Learning
Ross D. King;
Vlad Schuler Costa;
Chris Mellingwood;
Larisa N. Soldatova;
(March 2018)
Automating Sciences: Philosophical and Social Dimensions
Bradley Patterson;
Nicholas Sakellariou;
(June 2019)
Computer Scientists as Modern Hypnotists: Placing a Trance on Societal Norms
Scott W. Schwartz;
Programmed Materials: An Archeology of Machinic Responsibility
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