Article ID: CBB980775964

Curating the Widerstandsaviso: three cases of ethnographic intravention in R&D consortia (2023)


Aligning technological innovation with societal needs is a key concern for knowledge economies. Integrating ethical, legal, and social inquiry into research and development consortia that drive innovation processes has thus become common practice. Ethnographic research in consortia is one such practice. Here, these cover three cases of open ethnographic engagement within R&D consortia in the field of medical and rehabilitation technology. Rather than executing a preconfigured plan, these ethnographic intraventions explored emerging frictions that arose from observant participation within the fast science of dominant workflows in technological R&D. Curating these emerging frictions within the consortia produced what Ludwig Fleck called ‘Widerstandsavisos’, or signals of resistance. Widerstandsavisos disrupt dominant workflows by introducing methodological openness, fostering critical reflection on sampling approaches, placing the focus on actual practices, and engaging in anthropological concept work. The curation of Widerstandsavisos fosters reflexive awareness among members of consortia and opens a space for mutual learning: to produce new knowledge, alter problem framings, and reshape devices. Advancing ongoing discussions on midstream modulation, situated interventions and multimodal anthropology, such ethnographic intraventions present a different means of generating the capacity to address societal needs as well as responsibilities and relevance from within such consortia rather than as strategic interventions from the outside. Intraventions are, however, a risky practice as they produce ethnographic excess that is not easily controlled or directed within the bounds of R&D consortia. This uncertainty is a form of creativity that should be encouraged.

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Authors & Contributors
Hentschel, Klaus
Lamoreaux, Naomi R.
Lange, Catherine L.
Muniesa, Fabian
Olarte Sierra, María Fernanda
Rooij, Arjan van
Science, Technology, and Human Values
Social Studies of Science
Technology and Culture
Circumscribere: International Journal for the History of Science
Comparative Technology Transfer and Society
East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal
MIT Press
State University of New York at Buffalo
Research and development (R&D)
Technological innovation
Science and technology studies (STS)
Knowledge production (modes)
Research methods
Bohm, David Joseph
Greatbatch, Wilson
Mill, John Stuart
Russell, Bertrand Arthur William
Russell, Dora Black
Weber, Marianne
Time Periods
21st century
20th century
19th century
20th century, late
United States
Great Britain
International Business Machines Corporation
Philips Electronics
Korea Institute of Science and Technology - KIST
Industrial Technology Research Institute- ITRI

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