Luzzatti, Claudio (Author)
Whitaker, Harry A. (Author)
The effects of brain damage on behavior have been reported by authors from the Greek, Roman, Medieval, Renaissance, and seventeenth-century medical traditions. However, few of the reported cases discussed mind-brain relationships, even fewer reported data that offered a description of cognitive functions, and none described a clear association of a functional mechanism of cognitive impairment with identifiable focal brain damage. An exception is found in the case studies by Johann Jakob Wepfer (1620–1695). After reviewing the pre-seventeenth-century background and Wepfer’s milieu, we analyze his texts on neuroanatomy, apoplexy, and brain vascularization (Observationes anatomicae ex cadaveribus eorum, quos sustulit apoplexia cum exercitatione de ejus loco affecto) and his remarkable collection of 222 neurological cases (Observationes medico-practicae de affectibus capitis internis & externis), posthumously published in 1727. We focus on his reports concerning on the presence of aphasia, memory disorders, and unilateral neglect, correlated with focal brain damage, with particular emphasis on his examination of language impairments.
Vrecko, Scott;
Birth of a Brain Disease: Science, the State and Addiction Neuropolitics
Paolo Pecere;
La natura della mente. Da Cartesio alle scienze cognitive
Maehle, Andreas-Holger;
Zur wissenschaftlichen und moralischen Rechtfertigung toxikologischer Tierversuche im 17. Jahrhundert: Johann Jakob Wepfer und Johann Jakob Harder
Jan van Gijn;
A Patient With Word Blindness in the Seventeenth Century
Mani, Nikolaus;
Johann Jakob Wepfers Doktordisputation über das Herzklopfen (1647)
Mani, Nikolaus;
Biomedical thought in Glisson's hepatology and in Wepfer's work on apoplexy
Maehle, Andreas-Holger;
Johann Jakob Wepfers experimentelle Toxikologie
Maehle, Andreas-Holger;
Johann Jakob Wepfer (1620-1695) als Toxikologe: Die Fallstudien und Tierexperimente aus seinen Abhandlungen über den Wasserschierling (1679)
Maehle, Andreas-Holger;
Johann Jakob Wepfer (1620-1695) als Toxikologe: Die Fallstudien und Tierexperimente aus seinen Abhandlungen über den Wasserschierling (1679)
Jonna Brenninkmeijer;
Conversion Disorder and/or Functional Neurological Disorder: How Neurological Explanations Affect Ideas of Self, Agency, and Accountability
Gillot, Pascale;
La question de l'intériorité mentale à l'âge classique
Chiang, Howard Hsueh-Hao;
Psychiatry and Chinese History
Kraus, Robert F.;
Concepts of epilepsy in 17th-century England
Wear, Andrew;
Perceptions of pain in 17th-century England
Procacci, Paolo;
Maresca, Marco;
The concept of pain in the 17th century
Tomoko Komagamine;
Norito Kokubun;
Koichi Hirata;
Battey’s operation as a treatment for hysteria: a review of a series of cases in the nineteenth century
Elisabetta Sirgiovanni;
Alessandro Aruta;
From the Madhouse to the Docu-Museum: The Enigma Surrounding the Cerletti-Bini ECT Apparatus Prototype
Michael E. Staub;
The Other Side of the Brain: The Politics of Split-Brain Research in the 1970s–1980s
Kyu-hwan Sihn;
Distinguishing between neurosis and psychosis: discourses on neurosis in colonial Korea
Finger, Stanley;
Piccolino, Marco;
Stahnisch, Frank W.;
Alexander von Humboldt: Galvanism, Animal Electricity, and Self-Experimentation Part 1: Formative Years, Naturphilosophie, and Galvanism
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