For more than a decade Klaus Geus has held the Chair for the Historical Geography of the Ancient Mediterranean at Freie Universität Berlin, during which he has continuously explored new ways in the study of the Greek and Roman world. Through his immense scholarly output and his extensive network, he has established himself as one of the foremost experts on historical geography. The present collection of articles by thirty-one scholars from various disciplines is dedicated to Klaus Geus on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday. In line with Klaus Geus' research interests the articles of this Festschrift take the reader on a journey from the imperial court along the Roman roads into the provinces and far beyond the confines of the Mediterranean to the edges of the oikumene: India and Taprobane – Yemen and Ethiopia. On this odyssey through the ancient world particular attention is paid to common sense geography, and Herodotos, Mela, Ptolemy and Strabon are but a few of the Greek and Roman authors accompanying the reader.
...MoreBook Søren Lund Sørensen (2022) Sine fine. Studies in honour of Klaus Geus on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday.
Søren Lund Sørensen;
Sine fine. Studies in honour of Klaus Geus on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday
Vito Rovigo;
Il fiume, le terre, l’immaginario. L’Adige come fenomeno storiografico complesso
Éric Vallet;
Emmanuelle Vagnon;
La fabrique de l'Océan Indien: Cartes d'Orient et d'Occident (Antiquité-XVIe siècle)
Michael Rathmann;
Neue Perspektiven zur Tabula Peutingeriana
Angela Asole;
Gabriella Arena;
Cosimo Palagiano;
Cartografia e territorio nei secoli
Yearwood, Peter J.;
Continents and Consequences: The History of a Concept
Wintle, Michael J.;
The Image of Europe: Visualizing Europe in Cartography and Iconography
David Juste;
The Impact of Arabic Sources on European Astrology: Some Facts and Numbers
Wortham, Christopher;
Meanings of the South: From the Mappaemundi to Shakespeare's Othello
Angelov, Dimiter;
“Asia and Europe Commonly Called East and West”: Constantinople and Geographical Imagination in Byzantium
Vittorio Cotesta;
The Heavens and the Earth: Graeco-Roman, Ancient Chinese, and Mediaeval Islamic Images of the World
Dalché, Patrick Gautier;
La Géographie de Ptolémée en Occident (IVe-XVIe siècle)
Klemun, Marianne;
Administering Science: The Paper Form of Scientific Practice and Geological Fieldwork
Svatek, Petra;
Die Geschichtskarten des Wolfgang Lazius---Die Anfänge der thematischen Kartographie in Österreich
Michael Hiermanseder;
Wie sich die Bilder gleichen! Der Mailänder Kataster von 1718 als Vorbild für die preußische Katastervermessung im Herzogtum Magdeburg 1720
Petra Svatek;
Geopolitische Kartographie in Österreich 1917-1937
Petra Svatek;
Eduard Richter. Glacier Maps and Panoramas
Tomasz Panecki;
The Comparison of the Scope of the Content and Classification Methods on Topographical Maps of Polish Territory Annexed by Russia Issued at the Turn of 19th and 20th century
Schertenleib, Urban;
Kartierungen des österreichischen Generalquartiermeisterstabes in der Ostschweiz 1799 während des 2. Koalitionskrieges
Kunst, G. K.;
Archaeozoological evidence for equid use, sex structure and mortality in a Roman auxiliary fort (Carnuntum-Petroneli, Lower Austria)
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