Schaffer, Simon (Author)
2022 Gustav Neuenschwander Prize Lecture. Historians of the sciences have paid great attention to the ways that faith in what has been called the quantitative spirit emerged as a dominant feature of the politics of science, a theme of obvious salience in current epidemiological and climate crises. There are instructive connexions between measurement practices and orientation towards other cultures—as though scientific modernity somehow appeared through the primacy of robust quantification over subaltern, past, and exotic worlds, where merely provisional judgment allegedly still operated. This highly simplistic Orientalist distinction accompanied assumptions that the remote was best understood as the ancient, a viewpoint common at the same late Enlightenment moment as the apparent institutionalisation of the regime of the exact sciences within European polities. Under this regime, precision surveys—the way the state saw—have often been understood as integral for European societies and even more so in colonised territories. This version of what might be called metrological Orientalism can be disoriented through excellent recent scholarship that explores complex entanglements of measurement practices circulating across very different scientific cultures, which shows how precision devices that claimed merely to represent phenomena often helped produce them. Studies of select cases of relations between European practitioners and indigenous experts, in fields such as Egyptian hydraulics or South Pacific surveys, can reveal even more: the role that judgment and exactitude played in forging very different, politically significant versions of the past history of the sciences. These disorientations can aid novel forms of historical understanding of the politics of science.
Kostas Gavroglu;
The Sisyphean Fate of History of Science Unmoved Scientists, Unresponsive Bureaucrats, Unimpressed Politicians
Moro-Abadía, Oscar;
The History of Archaeology as a “Colonial Discourse”
Sandra Harding;
State of the field: Latin American decolonial philosophies of science
Tilley, Helen;
Global Histories, Vernacular Science, and African Genealogies; or, Is the History of Science Ready for the World?
Lachlan Fleetwood;
Science on the Roof of the World: Empire and the Remaking of the Himalaya
Koen Vermier;
Opening up the History of Science: A Perspective from Centaurus
Koen Vermeir;
Centaurus at 70: Editors' Perspectives
Vera V. Mainz;
E. Thomas Strom;
The posthumous Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Volume 2, Ladies in waiting for the Nobel Prize
Giovanni Palumbo;
Michelangelo Parrilli;
L'esclusione dal Nobel di candidati che hanno dato impulso alla chimica moderna. Storiche controversie
Osborne, Michael A.;
Introduction: The Social History of Science, Technoscience and Imperialism
Thomas Teo;
Gordana Jovanović;
Martin Dege;
Motivated historiography: Comments on Wolfgang Schönpflug’s reappraisal of German critical psychology
Mitchell G. Ash;
History of science in Central and Eastern Europe: Studies from Poland, Hungary, and Croatia
Axel Jansen;
John Krige;
Jessica Wang;
Empires of Knowledge: Introduction
Daniel Gamito-Marques;
Defending Metropolitan Identity through Colonial Politics: The Role of Portuguese Naturalists (1870–91)
Drayton, Richard Harry;
Nature's Government: Science, Imperial Britain, and the “Improvement” of the World
Reinert, Sophus A.;
Translating Empire: Emulation and the Origins of Political Economy
Jankovic, Vladimir;
Climates as Commodities: Jean Pierre Purry and the Modelling of the Best Climate on Earth
MacLeod, Roy;
Anna Toledano;
Forgotten Botany: The Politics of Knowledge within the Royal Botanical Garden of New Spain
Arndt Brendecke;
The Empirical Empire: Spanish Colonial Rule and the Politics of Knowledge
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