Euclid's Elements is one of the canonical texts that shaped our cultural heritage. It was translated from Greek into Arabic and from Arabic into Hebrew and Latin. There is little agreement about the textual history of the Arabic translations. The present book offers for the first time a critical edition of two Hebrew translations of Books I–II, by Moses Ibn Tibbon and by "Rabbi Jacob". A serious attempt is made to learn from the Hebrew translations also about the history of the Arabic text. The edition of Ibn Tibbon's translation is accompanied by an Arabic text which was probably its source. Rabbi Jacob's translation is compared to the Latin translation ascribed to Adelard of Bath, probably based on the same Arabic tradition.
Marc Moyon;
La géométrie de la mesure dans les traductions arabo-latines médiévales
Colette Sirat;
Marc Geoffroy;
De la faculté rationnelle: l'original arabe du Grand Commentaire d'Averroès (Šarḥ) au De Anima d'Aristote (III, 4-5, 429a10-432a14)
Bos, Gerrit;
Garofalo, Ivan;
A Pseudo-Galenic Treatise on Regimen: The Hebrew and Latin Translations from Ḥunayn Ibn Isḥaq's Arabic Version
Ruth Glasner;
The Hebrew Geometrical Compendium
Ofer Elior;
The Arabic Tradition of Euclid's Elements Preserved in the Latin Translation by Adelard of Bath and the Hebrew Translation by Rabbi Jacob
Mathias Witt;
Antyllus on the bladder stone in Al-Rzs Kitb Al-W (Rhazes liber continens): A new source for urolithiasis and lithotomy in antiquity
Ivan Garofalo;
Il proemio della Methodus medendi di Galeno in greco, arabo, latino: Saggio di edizione e commento
Ivan Garofalo;
La traduzione araba dei libri I–VI della methodus medendi
Lindberg, David C.;
Shank, Michael H.;
The Cambridge History of Science: Volume 2, Medieval Science
Ofer Elior;
What Did Medieval Readers Take to Be “Al-Ḥajjāj's Version” of Euclid's Elements? The Evidence of Ms Paris, Bnf, Héb. 1011
Argante Ciocci;
La versione latina dei Phænomena di Euclide nell’Urb. Lat. 1329
Zonta, Mauro;
Freudenthal, Gad;
Nicomachus of Gerasa in Spain, circa 1100: Abraham Bar Ḥiyya's Testimony
Marc Moyon;
L’appropriation des sciences géométriques arabes en Occident médiéval
Charles Burnett;
«Arabica veritas»: Europeans’ Search for «Truth» in Arabic Scientific and Philosophical Literature of the Middle Ages
Ivan Garofalo;
La traduction arabo-latine de la Méthode Thérapeutique attribuée a Gérard de Crémone
Theodosius, ;
Theodosius, De habitationibus: Arabic and Medieval Latin Translations
Theodosius, ;
Theodosius, Sphaerica: Arabic and Medieval Latin Translations
C. Philipp E. Nothaft;
Graeco-Arabic Astronomy for Twelfth-Century Latin Readers: Ptolomeus et multi sapientum (Abraham Ibn Ezra Latinus) — Robert of Chester, Liber canonum, pt. II
Nicoletta Rozza;
Quelques observations sur le lexique technique de la Practica Geometrie de Léonard de Pise, dit Fibonacci
Young, Gregg de;
The Arabic Version of Euclid's Elements by al-Ḥajjāj ibn Yūsuf ibn Maṭar: New Light on a Submerged Tradition
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