Herbert Mayo was a significant physiologist and an important figure in the London medical world of the 1820s and 1830s. And yet, a combination of poor decision-making and dabbling in heterodox medicine damaged his reputation. The life of Herbert Mayo illustrates that during the critical period before the 1858 Medical Act the boundary between orthodox and alternative medicine was porous. It also gives important insights into the politics of medicine at this time, particularly the significance of character to becoming a successful medical practitioner.
Michael J. G. Farthing;
Nicholas Culpeper (1616–1654): London’s First General Practitioner?
Bradley, James;
Medicine on the Margins? Hydropathy and Orthodoxy in Britain, 1840--60
Bradley, James;
Matters of Priority: Herbert Mayo, Charles Bell and Discoveries in the Nervous System
Luca Borghi;
Anna Marchetti;
Introducing the Trained and Educated Gentlewoman into the Wards of a Children’s Hospital. The Role of Charles West, M.D. (1816-1898) in the Rise of Pediatric Nursing
GC Cook;
John Alexander Sinton, MD FRS VC (1884–1956)
Bovin, Gary;
Silver, John Russell;
Weiner, Marie-France;
The Role of Edward Harrison's (1766--1838) Disciples, Thomas Engall, John and George Epps, Charles Hoyland, John Evans Riadore, John Robinson and John Baptiste De Serney in the Treatment of Spinal Deformity in the Victorian Medical World
Pelis, Kim;
Blood Standards and Failed Fluids: Clinic, Lab, and Transfusion Solutions in London, 1868-1916
Haynes, D. M.;
Framing tropical disease in London: Patrick Manson, Filaria perstans, and the Uganda sleeping sickness epidemic, 1891-1902
Elliot, Paul;
“More Subtle than the Electric Aura”: Georgian Medical Electricity, the Spirit of Animation and the Development of Erasmus Darwin's Psychophysiology
Elwick, James;
Styles of Reasoning in the British Life Sciences: Shared Assumptions, 1820--1858
Siena, Kevin P.;
The “Foul Disease” and Privacy: The Effects of Venereal Disease and Patient Demand on the Medical Marketplace in Early Modern London
Christopher J. Duffin;
Nathaniel Hodges (1629–1688): Plague Doctor
Barbour, Reid;
Sir Thomas Browne: A Life
Green, Monica H.;
Conrad Leyser;
Lesley Smith;
Making Motherhood in Medieval England: The Evidence from Medicine
Manila Soffici;
Hospitalia. Il modello fiorentino di Santa Maria Nuova nella Londra dei Tudor
Evenden, Doreen;
The Midwives of Seventeenth-Century London
Traister, Barbara Howard;
The Notorious Astrological Physician of London: Works and Days of Simon Forman
Essay Review
Micale, M. S.;
The History of Bethlem
Antonio Clericuzio;
Mechanism and Chemical Medicine in Seventeenth-Century England: Boyle’s Investigation of Ferments and Fermentation
Clarissa Chenovick;
Speaking, Thinking, Writing: Meditative Surgery and Intercorporeal Circulation in Henry Duke of Lancaster's Livre de Seyntz Medicines (1354)
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