Orsini, Davide (Author)
James A. Ostenson (Author)
Brigo, Francesco (Author)
Martini, Mariano (Author)
The COVID-19 pandemic has had and, due to its long-term effects, continues to have significant psychological consequences for many people. In this article, some of the most relevant signs of this psychological impairment are discussed, as are common reactions characterizing people’s behavior in the face of fear triggered by a pandemic. All this is considered through a synoptic reading of the 1862 text entitled Delle particolari forme di delirio cui danno origine le grandi pestilenze [The particular forms of delirium to which the great plagues give rise] by the Italian psychiatrist Andrea Verga (1811- 1895). Drawing on Verga’s perspective, we can see clearly how human reactions to the fear of an unknown disease have are consistent over the centuries, and especially how some reactions are traceable to biological and social interactions in a syndemia perspective.
Fernando Rosa;
Alessandra Parodi;
Essere in una pandemia. Filosofia, medicina e Covid-19
Stefano Santasilia;
Pandemia e stili di vita: pazienza
Michael P. Kelly;
Federica Russo;
The epistemic values at the basis of epidemiology and public health
Stefania Achella;
Ragioni della scienza e ragioni politiche. Alcune considerazioni filosofiche
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Paure, contaminazioni e alterità. Da Bacone a Kapuściński
Jacques Pépin;
The Origins of AIDS
Vittorio Alessandro Sironi;
Le maschere della salute: Dal Rinascimento ai tempi del coronavirus
Rosamaria Alibrandi;
When Early Modern Europe Caught the Flu. A Scientific Account of Pandemic Influenza in Sixteenth Century Sicily
Claudia Cerchiai Manodori Sagredo;
Malattie e pandemie nell’antica Roma: Cicerone, Plinio, Svetonio, Catone, Tacito, Marziale, Plauto, Seneca et alii
David Armando;
«Resasi inutile qualunque precauzione, e di nessuno giovamento i rimedj terreni». Il crocifisso di San Marcello dalla Controriforma al Coronavirus
Luisa Simonutti;
Uneasiness. John Locke e le inquietudini del presente
Giuseppe Armocida;
Di nuovo una storia vecchia. L’emergenza Coronavirus
Erica Charters;
Richard A. McKay;
The History of Science and Medicine in the Context of COVID-19
Davide Orsini;
La lente distorta della società. Malattia, violazione dell'ordine sociale e stigma tra XIX e XXI secolo
Silvia Caianiello;
Accelerazione. Riflessioni sulle temporalità della pandemia
Brian Dolan;
It Wasn't Supposed to Be a Coronavirus: The Quest for an Influenza A(h5n1)-Derived Vaccine and the Limits of Pandemic Preparedness
Paul Richards;
Ebola: How a People's Science Helped End an Epidemic
Choon Key Chekar;
Hyomin Kim;
COVID-19 Exceptionalism: Explaining South Korean Responses
Florence Bretelle‐Establet;
Science, Demons, and Gods in the Battle Against the COVID-19 Epidemic
Paul Richards;
Ebola and COVID-19 in Sierra Leone: comparative lessons of epidemics for society
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