Fabbri, Natacha (Author)
This article aims to deal with an image of vegetal life that belongs neither to a mathematical/mechanistic reading of natural phenomena nor to the Aristotelian model of cosmological order and realms of nature. The first part of the paper examines the Renaissance interpretation of the myth of Pan, which involves an idea of nature and harmony in which the spiritus mundi or the rationes seminales permeate God’s creation. This reading of the universe entails a definition of scala naturae where plants are significant knots into a web of correspondences among celestial, terrestrial, and underground levels, in addition to providing new evidence to blur the distinctions between vegetable and animal realms. The second part of the article analyses the continuity and kinships between plants and animals put forward by Della Porta, Kircher, Duret, and Redi, which rely on metaphors, functional and physiological analogies, anthropomorphic theory, as well as on the debates over the existence of the sensitive soul of plants.
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Athanasius Kircher and Vegetal Magnetism: Analogy as a Method
Fabrizio Baldassarri;
From the Analogy with Animals to the Anatomy of Plants in Medicine: The Physiology of Living Processes from Harvey to Malpighi
Tassanee Alleau;
A Bridge to the Underworld? An Explanation of the Act of Digging up Plant Roots in Early Modern Medical Fictions
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Da Della Porta a Vico. Studi napoletani
David Gentilcore;
Cose rare e ammirande del nuovo mondo. Le piante commestibili americane nell'editoria veneziana tra Cinque e Settecento
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Plants in 16th and 17th Century: Botany between Medicine and Science
Mirella Levi D'Ancona;
La Primavera di Botticelli: Un'interpretazione botanica
Doina-Cristina Rusu;
Using Instruments in the Study of Animate Beings: Della Porta's and Bacon's Experiments with Plants
Alain Touwaide;
Moving Plants, Transforming Medicine
Edgington, John;
Who Found our Ferns? A History of the Discovery of Britain's Ferns, Club Mosses, Quillworts and Horsetails
Silvia Fogliato;
Orti delle meraviglie. I giardini botanici e la diffusione planetaria delle piante
Alessandra Dattero;
Il bosco: Biodiversità, diritti e culture dal medioevo al nostro tempo
Annette Giesecke;
Andrew Dalby;
A Cultural History of Plants in the Early Modern Era
Leen Spruit;
The Origin of the Soul from Antiquity to the Early Modern Era: A Short Introduction
Thomas Leinkauf;
The ‘Book of Nature’ as Image of the Complexity and Totality of the Divine Intellect
Francesco Luzzini;
Harvesting Underground: (Re)generative theories and vegetal analogies in the early modern debate on mineral ores
Dario Generali;
Ex ovo omnia. Parassitologia e origine delle epidemie nelle ricerche e nell'opera di Antonio Vallisneri
Fabrizio Baldassarri;
Descartes’ Bio-Medical Study of Plants: Vegetative Activities, Soul, and Power
Christopher P. Noble;
Leibniz on the Divine Preformation of Souls and Bodies
Horstmanshoff, H. F. J.;
King, Helen;
Zittel, Claus;
Blood, Sweat, and Tears: The Changing Concepts of Physiology from Antiquity into Early Modern Europe
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