Article ID: CBB927157766

Screening as Governmental Technology: The Nationwide Collection of Mental Health Data on Students in South Korea (2023)


In 2012, all the students in South Korea from elementary to high school went through the government’s mental health screening. From a historical perspective, this paper examines why and how the Korean government launched the mass screening of students’ mental health and what enabled this nationwide data collection. By analyzing its driving forces, this paper reveals the ecology of power being forged at the intersection of multinational pharmaceutical companies, mental health experts, and the Korean government in the 2000s. The paper argues that, against the backdrop of the growing market for multinational pharmaceutical companies in South Korea, the rise in school violence became the catalyst for bringing old and new governmental tools, plans, and resources, putting all students under mental health screening. It shows the continuity as well as the transformation of developmental governmentality in a broader social change of South Korea under the influence of globalization. By doing so, the paper illuminates the shaping of the governmental technology – which was developed rather than imported and deployed rather than recommended – that enabled the nationwide collection of students’ data in the context of globalizing and politicizing ideas and practices in mental health.

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Authors & Contributors
Daemmrich, A.
Hess, Volker
Simon, Jonathan
Bowden, Mary Ellen
Daemmrich, Arthur Alfred
Gaudillière, Jean-Paul
Chemical and Engineering News
Dynamis: Acta Hispanica ad Medicinae Scientiarumque Historiam Illustrandam
East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal
Environmental History
Focus on Law Studies
Historia Mathematica
Lexington Books
Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Berlin
MIT Press
Oxford University Press
University of Notre Dame Press
The University of North Carolina Press
Pharmaceutical industry
Medicine and government
Legislative and administrative regulations
Materia medica
Fonagy, Peter
Nixon, Richard M.
Kim, Wook
Time Periods
21st century
20th century, late
20th century
19th century
United States
Institut Pasteur, Paris
United States. Food and Drug Administration (USFDA)
World Health Organization (WHO)
United States. Food and Drug Administration

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