Vincenzo Carlotta (Author)
Martelli, Matteo (Author)
Ancient and medieval alchemical works include several comparisons between the generation and development of metals and those of plants, animals, and living beings. These comparisons could refer to adopt physiological models in the explanation of the natural formation of metals and their artificial transformation, to justify the place occupied by alchemy within the broader study of the natural world, and to stand as metaphorical descriptions of specific alchemical procedures. This article analyses these features by focusing on the relationship between mercury and gold, the latter being the “perfect” metal that constituted both an ambitious goal of alchemical practice and one of its key ingredients. The interrelationship between gold and mercury emerges in complex myths about metallic rivers, in the use of gold-mercury amalgams in ancient technology, and in the discussion that alchemists developed around the enigmatic chrysocolla (literally “gold solder”). These three foci are discussed in relation to a variety of ancient sources – from Aristotle and the Stoics to late antique, Byzantine, and Syriac alchemical texts – to explore the different forms of conceptualising metals as living bodies and the interactions of these models with ancient theories on the formation of metals and the alchemical practices aimed at their transformation.
Newman, William R.;
Mercury and Sulphur among the High Medieval Alchemists: From Rāzī and Avicenna to Albertus Magnus and Pseudo-Roger Bacon
Alfonso-Goldfarb, Ana Maria;
Ferraz, Marcia H. M.;
Gur, Ghur, Guhr or Bur? The Quest for a Metalliferous Prime Matter in Early Modern Times
Donna Bilak;
Living Then and Now with Gold and Mercury
Ku-ming (Kevin) Chang;
From University to Court: The Reversal of Stahl’s Positions on Gold-Making
Aaron Cheak;
Micro A. Mannucci;
The Reign of Saturn Transformed into an Age of Gold
Aurélien Ruellet;
The Pewterer and the Chymist: Major Erasmus Purling and his Refined Tin
Leonardo Anatrini;
The Mixed Blessings of Pragmatism. Jean-Baptiste Dumas and the (Al)chemical Quest for Metallic Transmutation
Liang, Honggang;
He, Zhiguo;
Sun, Shuyun;
China's Earliest Taoist Alchemical Artifact: Initial Study on the Gold-Mercury Alloy Unearthed from the No. 2 Western Han Tomb in Shuangbaoshan, Mianyang, Sichuan Province
Donna Bilak;
George Vrtis;
Environmental Alchemy: Mercury-Gold Amalgamation Mining and the Transformation of the Earth
Ferdinando Abbri;
Gold and silver: perfection of metals in medieval and early modern alchemy
Karpenko, Vladimír;
Not All That Glitters Is Gold: Gold Imitations in History
Alessandro Pacini;
Apprentices and masters - the transmission of ancient goldsmith techniques
Athanasios Rinotas;
The Sciant artifices in the Work of Albert the Great: Towards Two Kinds of Transmutation?
Wujastyk, Dagmar;
Perfect Medicine: Mercury in Sanskrit Medical Literature
Matteo Martelli;
Transmuting tinctures. Water of sulphur, quicklime, and ‘washes’ in Graeco-Egyptian alchemy
Athanasios Rinotas;
Stoicism and Alchemy in Late Antiquity: Zosimus and the Concept of Pneuma
Willard, Thomas;
The Metamorphoses of Metals: Ovid and the Alchemists
El-Eswed, Bassam I.;
Lead and Tin in Arabic Alchemy
Sarah N. Hijmans;
The Tantalum Metals (1801–1866): Nineteenth-Century Analytical Chemistry and the Identification of Chemical Elements
Sebastián Rubiano-Galvis;
Jimena Diaz Leiva;
Ruth Goldstein;
Amalgamated Histories: Tracing Quicksilver's Legacy Through Environmental and Political Bodies in Andean and Amazonian Gold Mining
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