Article ID: CBB919434339

Healthcare and Medicine in Medieval Western Hospitals (2024)


Hospitals are an innovation dating back to Late Antiquity, and their proliferation in the Western world is closely tied to the advancements of Christianity and ecclesiastical institutions. Since their inception, hospitals have provided various forms of aid to various categories of destitute individuals, which could include medical treatments in line with Gospel precepts. However, for much of the Middle Ages, the majority of hospitals struggled to secure the services of medical practitioners on a permanent basis, albeit with some exceptions. Towards the end of the Middle Ages, though, the processes of medicalization within the realm of hospital care gained greater intensity and prevalence. This transformation was facilitated by the increased availability of both financial resources and proficient medical personnel, particularly physicians and surgeons trained in academic settings.

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Authors & Contributors
Francesco Bianchi
Crawshaw, Jane L. Stevens
Davis, Adam J.
Digby, Anne
Filippini, Nadia Maria
Garcia, Rosa Wanda Diez
Bulletin of the History of Medicine
História, Ciências, Saúde---Manguinhos
Medicina nei Secoli - Arte e Scienza
Social History of Medicine
Medicina Historica
Franco Angeli
Cornell University Press
Carocci Editore
Duke University Press
McGill-Queen's University Press
Medicine and society
Public health
Hospitals and clinics
Health care
Medicine and religion
Constantinus Africanus
Time Periods
20th century
19th century
Early modern
18th century
Genoa (Italy)
Great Britain
New Jersey (U.S.)

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