Hospitals are an innovation dating back to Late Antiquity, and their proliferation in the Western world is closely tied to the advancements of Christianity and ecclesiastical institutions. Since their inception, hospitals have provided various forms of aid to various categories of destitute individuals, which could include medical treatments in line with Gospel precepts. However, for much of the Middle Ages, the majority of hospitals struggled to secure the services of medical practitioners on a permanent basis, albeit with some exceptions. Towards the end of the Middle Ages, though, the processes of medicalization within the realm of hospital care gained greater intensity and prevalence. This transformation was facilitated by the increased availability of both financial resources and proficient medical personnel, particularly physicians and surgeons trained in academic settings.
Francesco Bianchi;
Giovanni Silvano;
Saggi di storia della salute. Medicina, ospedali e cura fra medioevo ed età contemporanea
Francesco Bianchi;
Dal xenodochium all'hospitale. Origini e sviluppi delle istituzioni ospedaliere nel medioevo
Giorgio Giulio Santonocito;
Storia del diritto alla salute
Elisa Novi Chavarria;
Accogliere e curare. Ospedali e culture delle nazioni nella Monarchia ispanica (secc. XVI-XVII)
Jane L. Stevens Crawshaw;
Tracing Hospital Boundaries Integration and Segregation in Southeastern Europe and Beyond, 1050-1970
Cinzia Bonato;
Molto più che pazienti. L’ospedale di Pammatone e la popolazione della Repubblica di Genova nel XVIII secolo
Paolo Petralia;
Alberto Macciò;
Healthcare-related Itinerary in a Multicultural City in Northern Italy
Sara Ritchey;
Acts of Care: Recovering Women in Late Medieval Health
Peregrine Horden;
Cultures of Healing: Medieval and After
Alessandra Foscati;
Miracle Tales as Privileged Sources for a Historical Investigation of the Diseases in the Middle Age: Canonization Processes and Libri miraculorum
Giuseppe Lauriello;
La sessualità nel medioevo. Il "Liber de coitu" di Costantino Africano
Nadia Maria Filippini;
Generare, partorire, nascere: Una storia dall’antichità alla provetta
Tommaso Duranti;
Ammalarsi e curarsi nel medioevo. Una storia sociale
Adam J. Davis;
The Medieval Economy of Salvation: Charity, Commerce, and the Rise of the Hospital
Houston, C. Stuart;
Steps on the Road to Medicare: Why Saskatchewan Led the Way
Digby, Anne;
“Vision and Vested Interests”: National Health Service Reform in South Africa and Britain during the 1940s and Beyond
Alice Street;
Biomedicine in an Unstable Place: Infrastructure and Personhood in a Papua New Guinean Hospital
Helen P. Knight;
St. Luke's Hospice: Prioritizing Comfort, Not Cure, in the Hospital Setting
Godoy, Andresa Michele;
Lopes, Doraci Alves;
Garcia, Rosa Wanda Diez;
Transformações socioculturais da alimentação hospitalar
Kraut, Alan M.;
Kraut, Deborah A.;
Covenant of Care: Newark Beth Israel and the Jewish Hospital in America
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