Book ID: CBB913792564

San Francisco's F-Line (2020)


San Francisco's F-Line is the fun way to ride transit in one of America's greatest cities. Its creation has shown the world that public transportation can be exciting, fun, and a source of civic pride. The author, an active participant in the success of the F-Line, has written this book in an upbeat and breezy style, sprinkling anecdotes from his experiences and those of fellow workers throughout the book.

Reviewed By

Review Wilkins, David M. (2020) Review of "San Francisco's F-Line". Railroad History (pp. 114-115). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Chastain, Andra B.
Aldrich, Mark
Bruhèze, A. A. Albert de la
Jackson, Robert W.
Oldenziel, Ruth
Williams, James C.
The Journal of Transport History
Railroad History
San Jose Studies
Technology's Stories
University of Pittsburgh Press
Washington State University Press
Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers
Éditions La Découverte
New York University Press
The MIT Press
Urban transportation
Land transportation
Local transit
Urban planning
Time Periods
20th century
19th century
21st century
20th century, early
London (England)
California (U.S.)
United States
Washington (state, U.S.)
Seattle (Washington, U.S.)
Los Angeles (California)
Pacific Electric Railway

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