Article ID: CBB912892734

Emmy Noether, Hermann Weyl, and the Göttingen Academy: A marginal note (2016)


A new document about Hermann Weyl's attempt to have Emmy Noether elected into the Göttingen Academy is presented.

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Authors & Contributors
Gray, Jeremy
McLarty, Colin
Scholz, Erhard
Mechthild Koreuber
Eckes, Christophe
Hawkins, Thomas
Science in Context
Revue d'Histoire des Mathématiques
Archive for History of Exact Sciences
Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte
British Journal for the Philosophy of Science
Historia Mathematica
American Mathematical Society
Oxford University Press
Springer International
Springer Spektrum
Philosophy of mathematics
Philosophy of science
Women in science
Weyl, Hermann
Noether, Emmy
Hilbert, David
Einstein, Albert
Minkowski, Hermann
Poincaré, Jules Henri
Time Periods
20th century, early
20th century
19th century
Barcelona (Spain)
Madrid (Spain)
University of Chicago
Universität Göttingen
Göttingen. Universität

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