Alfonso Lucifredi (Author)
Questo libro presenta la prima biografia italiana, scritta con fonti di prima mano, del padre della genetica Gregor Johann Mendel. Il libro porta a scoprire come Mendel, monaco agostiniano, condusse le sue ricerche all'interno dell'abbazia di Brno: dall'osservazione dell'orto e degli incroci di piante fino al primo autentico studio scientifico sulla trasmissione dei caratteri ereditari. Grazie alla scelta di un metodo di ricerca impeccabile e a una grande passione, Mendel fu in grado di formulare le leggi che ancora oggi sono alla base della genetica. La sua storia, tra meticolosi esperimenti e grandi scoperte, ma anche tra delusioni e ambizioni disattese, è un perfetto riassunto delle vicende che, ancora oggi, caratterizzano la vita di tanti scienziati. [Abstract translated by Google Translate: This is the abstract in English… This book features the first Italian biography, written with first-hand sources, of the father of genetics Gregor Johann Mendel. The book leads to discover how Mendel, an Augustinian monk, conducted his research inside the abbey of Brno: from the observation of the garden and the crossings of plants to the first authentic scientific study on the transmission of hereditary characteristics. Thanks to the choice of an impeccable research method and a great passion, Mendel was able to formulate the laws that still form the basis of genetics today. Its history, between meticulous experiments and great discoveries, but also between disappointments and unfulfilled ambitions, is a perfect summary of the events that, even today, characterize the lives of so many scientists.]
Edwards, A. W. F.;
Punnett's Square
Gregor Mendel;
Alessandro Volpone;
Le opere biologiche di Gregor Mendel per il lettore moderno
Orel, Vítezslav;
Science Studies and Mendel's Paradigm
Teicher, Amir;
Mendel's Use of Mathematical Modelling: Ratios, Predictions and the Appeal to Tradition
Simunek, Michal;
Hoßfeld, Uwe;
Breidbach, Olaf;
Müller, Miklós;
Mendelism in Bohemia and Moravia, 1900--1930: Collection of Selected Papers
Ernst Peter Fischer;
Mendel, ein Mönch mit Mut. Mathematik mit Merkmalen: Zum 200sten Geburtstag des "Erbsenzählers" [Mendel, a monk with courage. Mathematics with characteristics: On the 200th Birthday of the "Pea Counter"]
Wolfe, Audra J.;
What Does It Mean to Go Public? The American Response to Lysenkoism, Reconsidered
Stamhuis, Ida H.;
The Reactions on Hugo de Vries's Intracellular Pangenesis; the Discussion with August Weismann
Gottfried Brem;
150 Jahre Mendelsche Regeln: Vom Erbsenzählen zum Gen-Editieren
Ida H. Stamhuis;
Why the Rediscoverer Ended up on the Sidelines: Hugo De Vries’s Theory of Inheritance and the Mendelian Laws
Kampourakis, Kostas;
Mendel and the Path to Genetics: Portraying Science as a Social Process
Tudge, Colin;
Impact of the Gene: From Mendel's Peas to Designer Babies
Deichmann, Ute;
Gemmules and Elements: On Darwin's and Mendel's Concepts and Methods in Heredity
Hugo Iltis;
Life of Mendel
Everson, Ted;
The Gene: A Historical Perspective
Gregory Radick;
Disputed Inheritance: The Battle over Mendel and the Future of Biology
Michael Mielewczik;
Johann Vollmann;
Janine Moll-Mielewczik;
Michal V. Simunek;
Uwe Hoßfeld;
Ein verkanntes Genie? Mendels Entdeckungen und ihre Bedeutung für Pflanzenzüchtung und die Grüne Revolution (A misunderstood genius? Mendel's discoveries and their significance for plant breeding and the Green Revolution)
Henig, Robin Marantz;
The Monk in the Garden: The Lost and Found Genius of Gregor Mendel, the Father of Genetics
Edelson, Edward;
Gregor Mendel and the Roots of Genetics
Hall, Brian K.;
“Evolutionist and Missionary,” the Reverend John Thomas Gulick (1832--1923). Part I: Cumulative Segregation---Geographical Isolation
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