Article ID: CBB910533001

Berkeley on true motion (2024)


Studies of the Early Modern debate concerning absolute and relative space and motion often ignore the significance of the concept of true motion in this debate. Even philosophers who denied the existence of absolute space maintained that true motions could be distinguished from merely apparent ones. In this paper, I examine Berkeley's endorsement of this distinction and the problems it raises. First, Berkeley's endorsement raises a problem of consistency with his other philosophical commitments, namely his idealism. Second, Berkeley's endorsement raises a problem of adequacy, namely whether Berkeley can provide an adequate account of what grounds the distinction between true and merely apparent motion. In this paper, I argue that sensitivity to Berkeley's distinction between what is true in the metaphysical, scientific, and vulgar domains can address both the consistency and the adequacy problems. I argue that Berkeley only accepts true motion in the scientific and vulgar domains, and not the metaphysical. There is thus no inconsistency between his endorsement of true motion in science and ordinary language, and his metaphysical idealism. Further, I suggest that sensitivity to these three domains shows that Berkeley possesses resources to give an adequate account of how true motions are discovered in natural science.

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Authors & Contributors
Berchielli, Laura
Boantza, Victor D.
Bovens, Luc
Carolino, Luís Miguel
Dascal, Marcelo
DiSalle, Robert
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
Revue d'Histoire des Sciences
British Journal for the Philosophy of Science
Foundations of Science
Classiques Garnier
Harvard University Press
John Benjamins Pub. Co.
Springer International
Springer Nature
Tinta da China
Philosophy of science
Natural philosophy
Controversies and disputes
Motion (physical)
Berkeley, George
Galilei, Galileo
Descartes, René
Kant, Immanuel
Newton, Isaac
Bacon, Francis, 1st Baron Verulam
Time Periods
17th century
Early modern
18th century
16th century
19th century
Rome (Italy)
Jesuits (Society of Jesus)

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