Book ID: CBB905929052

In a New Light: Histories of Women and Energy (2021)


Moore, Abigail Harrison (Editor)
Sandwell, R. W. (Editor)

McGill-Queen's University Press

Publication Date: 2021
Physical Details: 216
Language: English

In the early 1970s, a German study estimated that women expended as many calories cleaning their coal-mining husbands' work clothes as their husbands did working below ground, arguably making the home as much a site of industrialized work as factories and mines. But while energy studies are beginning to acknowledge the importance of social and historical contexts and to produce more inclusive histories of the unprecedented energy transitions that powered industrialization, women have remained notably absent from these accounts.In a New Light explores the vital place of women in the shift to fossil fuels that spurred the Industrial Revolution, illuminating the variety of ways in which gender and energy intersected in women's lives in nineteenth- and twentieth-century Europe and North America. From their labour in the home, where they managed the adoption of new energy sources, to their work as educators in electrical housecraft and their protests against the effects of industrialization, women took on active roles to influence energy decisions.Together these essays deepen our understanding of the significance of gender in the history of energy, and of energy transitions in the history of women and gender. By foregrounding women's energetic labours and concerns, the authors shed new light on energy use in the past and provide important insights as societies move towards a carbon-neutral future.

Reviewed By

Review Tijana Rupčić (April 2024) Review of "In a New Light: Histories of Women and Energy". Technology and Culture (pp. 725-727). unapi

Review Katherine Jellison (2022) Review of "In a New Light: Histories of Women and Energy". Agricultural History (pp. 471-474). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Shulman, Peter Adam
Seow, Victor Kian Giap
David Bond
Boersema, Jan J.
Ekerholm, Helena
Jones, Christopher F.
Agricultural History
Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences
Comparative Studies in Society and History
Scientia Canadensis: Journal of the History of Canadian Science, Technology, and Medicine
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change
University of Pittsburgh Press
Harvard University
Cambridge University Press
Duke University Press
Harvard University Press
Johns Hopkins University Press
Energy resources and technologies
Fossil fuels
Oil; natural gas
Natural resource management
Time Periods
20th century
19th century
21st century
20th century, early
20th century, late
North America
United States
New York (U.S.)
Pennsylvania (U.S.)

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