Was Aristotle the ‘father’ and founder of the epigenesis doctrine? Historically, I will argue, this question must be answered with ‘no’. Aristotle did not initiate and had no access to a debate that described itself in terms of ‘epigenesis’ and ‘preformation’, and thus cannot be considered the ‘father’ or founder of the epigenesis-preformation controversy in a literal sense. But many ancient accounts of reproduction and embryological development contain analogies to what early modern scientist called ‘epigenesis’ and ‘preformation’, and, in this analogous sense, Aristotle can be considered a precursor of the epigenesis-preformation controversy. But is Aristotle’s position actually epigenetic (in this analogous sense), as most of the traditional interpreters hold, or preformationist, as some of the recent scholars believe? I will argue against the one-sidedness of both readings that Aristotle’s account of reproduction and heredity contains mainly epigenetic, but also a few preformationist characteristics. Whereas, for instance, Aristotle’s idea of a successive development of the embryo’s parts is doubtlessly epigenetic, Aristotle’s idea that the development of the embryo is an actualization and enlargement of potential parts, which are simultaneously present in the semen, can be considered a preformationist feature.
Connell, Sophia M.;
Aristotle and Galen on sex difference and reproduction: A new approach to an ancient rivalry
Lo Presti, Roberto;
Informing Matter and Enmattered Forms: Aristotle and Galen on the “Power” of the Seed
Detlefsen, Karen;
Explanation and Demonstration in the Haller-Wolff Debate
Wellmann, Janina;
Die Form des Werdens: Eine Kulturgeschichte der Embryologie, 1760--1830
Kosman, L. Aryeh;
Male and Female in Aristole's Generation of Animals
O'Connor, Scott;
The Subjects of Natural Generations in Aristotle’s Physics I.7
Leland Giovannelli;
Aristotle's theory of sexual reproduction as it emerges in "On the Generation of Animals"
Anna Schriefl;
Mor Segev;
Aristotle on the Beginning of Animal Life and Soul Activities
Cooper, John Madison;
Knowledge, Nature, and the Good: Essays on Ancient Philosophy
Marc J. Ratcliff;
De la règle de l’exception au principe de Bonnet: les principes épistémologiques des sciences de la vie à partir de 1740
Witt, Elke;
Form---A Matter of Generation: The Relation of Generation, Form, and Function in the Epigenetic Theory of Caspar F. Wolff
Kampf, Antje;
Times of Danger: Embryos, Sperm and Precarious Reproduction ca. 1870s--1910s
Robby Finley;
Competing Roles of Aristotle’s Account of the Infinite
Detlefsen, Karen;
Supernaturalism, Occasionalism, and Preformation in Malebranche
Renzo Rabboni;
Ferrara contro il "Giornale": in margine alla polemica Conti-Nigrisoli
Robert, Jason Scott;
Embryology, Epigenesis, and Evolution: Taking Development Seriously
Antonine Nicoglou;
Waddington’s Epigenetics or the Pictorial Meetings of Development and Genetics
Frezzatti, Wilson Antonio, Jr.;
Wilhelm Roux e a mecânica do desenvolvimento
Moya, Eugenio;
Epigénesis y validez: El papel de la embriología en el programa transcendental de Kant
Devin Henry;
Understanding Aristotle's Reproductive Hylomorphism
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