Pharmacies, Quakers, African American studies, School enrollment, Broadaxes, African Americans
Daniel J. Flanagan;
A Short History of the Degree Programs at the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy
Klein, Katherine Okuda;
The growth of man-midwifery in Philadelphia and its environs, 1765--1848
Long, Margaret Geneva;
Doctoring Freedom: The Politics of African American Medical Care in Slavery and Emancipation
Christopher D. Willoughby;
Pedagogies of the Black Body: Race and Medical Education in the Antebellum United States
Susan H. Brandt;
Women Healers: Gender, Authority, and Medicine in Early Philadelphia
Verplanck, Anne;
“They Carry Their Religion . . . into Every Act of Their Public and Private Lives”: Quaker Consumption of Early Photographic Images in Philadelphia, 1839--1860
D'Antonio, Patricia;
Founding Friends: Families, Staff, and Patients at the Friends Asylum in Early Nineteenth-Century Philadelphia
Labrude, Pierre;
Strohl, Stéphanie;
Le transfèrement depuis Strasbourg, et les dix premières années de l'École supérieure de pharmacie de Nancy (1872--1882). Un exemple de la difficulté à créer un établissement d'enseignement supérieur presque ex nihilo et dans l'urgence...
Kurzer, Frederick;
George S. V. Wills and the Westminster College of Chemistry and Pharmacy: A Chapter in Pharmaceutical Education in Great Britain
Gregory Bond;
“Yet in All This Library There is Scarcely a Reference to the Negro in Pharmacy:” The University of Wisconsin's Leo Butts, Pioneering Historian of African-American Pharmacists
Pamela Sankar;
Jonathan Kahn;
BiDil: Race Medicine Or Race Marketing?
Essay Review
Slaton, A. E.;
Diversity in the Infinite Corridor: Documenting Race at MIT
Farber, Paul Lawrence;
Mixing Races: From Scientific Racism to Modern Evolutionary Ideas
Earl Wright;
The Tradition of Sociology at Fisk University
Williams, Clarence G.;
Technology and the Dream: Reflections on the Black Experience at MIT, 1941-1999
Collins, Sibrina N.;
Celebrating Our Diversity: The Education of Some Pioneering African American Chemists in Ohio
Jerlando F. L. Jackson;
LaVar J. Charleston;
Juan E. Gilbert;
Cheryl Seals;
Changing Attitudes About Computing Science at Historically Black Colleges and Universities: Benefits of an Intervention Program Designed for Undergraduates
Sawyer, Thomas F.;
Francis Cecil Sumner: His Views and Influence on African American Higher Education
Gamble, Vanessa Northington;
“No Struggle, No Fight, No Court Battle”: The 1948 Desegregation of the University of Arkansas School of Medicine
Esther Sahle;
Quakers in the British Atlantic world, c.1660-1800
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