Article ID: CBB902934429

Nietzsche's Contribution Thought to the Emergence of the Concept of Modern Culture (2019)


The contribution of Nietzsche's thought to the emergence of the concept of modern culture, art and the very concept of modernity, in a circular relationship of knowledge typologies, has been fundamental. His philosophy lies at the core of the new way in which music, theater and literature between the 19th and 20th centuries were reformulated as their finality. At the same time his reflections pointed to a new holistic way of understanding the meaning of being Human, in a tension towards annulling the boundaries between art and science, which is one of the distinguishing traits of the new culture in the transition between the 19th and 20th century.

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Authors & Contributors
Brain, Robert Michael
Campen, Crétien van
Israel, Jonathan Irvine
Kennaway, James Gordon
Kümmel, Werner Friedrich
Liebscher, Martin
Medicina nei Secoli - Arte e Scienza
Geographia antiqua
Intellectual History Review
Interdisciplinary Science Reviews
Substantia: An International Journal of the History of Chemistry
University of Chicago Press
Cambridge University Press
Bollati Boringhieri
Il Poligrafo
MIT Press
Palgrave Macmillan
Science and art
Science and literature
Science and music
Science and culture
Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm
Freud, Sigmund
Algarotti, Francesco
Carus, Carl Gustav
Fechner, Gustav Theodor
Haeckel, Ernst
Time Periods
19th century
20th century, early
18th century
17th century
United States
London (England)

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