This dissertation tells the history of progressive colonial anthropology, an ultimately-failed effort to establish cultural anthropologists as authoritative indigenous affairs policy experts in the Americas. Tracing this project in the US and Mexico from the 1930s to the 1980s, it explains how a group of anthropologists achieved the influence they sought and then lost it. The anthropologists’ temporary success illustrates the powerful role that the concept of culture played in reconciling liberal nation-states to ethnic plurality in the twentieth century. Culture allowed state-builders and experts to conceive of an assimilation process that would be partial, but stable. In theory, targeted groups would adopt new political and economic institutions while maintaining core cultural values. The anthropologists’ failure, meanwhile, reveals the limits of expert authority. Anthropologists hoped to oversee such processes of cultural adaptation, but indigenous peoples asserted claims to cultural self-determination that entailed their own authority over cultural knowledge. By the late 20th century, these claims obligated anthropologists to take an auxiliary role. Over the course of this history, the concept of culture increasingly took on the aesthetic qualities of “heritage” and the philosophical qualities of “world view.” These features make culture more distinct from other areas of life, and therefore easier both to contest and to essentialize. Consequently, cultural pluralism remains as live a debate in the present as it was a century ago.
Suárez-Díaz, Edna;
Indigenous Populations in Mexico: Medical Anthropology in the Work of Ruben Lisker in the 1960s
Saldaña, Juan José;
Science and cultural diversity: Proceedings of the XXIst International Congress of History of Science, Mexico City, 7--14 July 2001, Plenary lectures
Muehlmann, Shaylih;
Where the River Ends: Contested Indigeneity in the Mexican Colorado Delta
Erica Prussing;
Through a Critical Lens: Expertise in Epidemiology for and by Indigenous Peoples
L'Estoile, Benoit de;
Neiburg, Federico G.;
Sigaud, Lygia;
Empires, Nations, and Natives: Anthropology and State-Making
Willmott, Cory;
Beavers and Sheep: Visual Appearance and Identity in Nineteenth-Century Algonquian-Anglo Relations
Karin Alejandra Rosemblatt;
The Science and Politics of Race in Mexico and the United States, 1910-1950
Felicity Amaya Schaeffer;
Unsettled Borders: The Militarized Science of Surveillance on Sacred Indigenous Land
Olsson, Tore C.;
Transplanting “El Tenesí”: Mexican Planners in the US South during the Cold War Era
Jennifer Hart;
Of Pirate Drivers and Honking Horns: Mobility, Authority, and Urban Planning in Late-Colonial Accra
Giulio Rizzoni;
La donazione di sangue nella città di Oxaca de Juárez (Messico). Un percorso di analisi a partire dall'antropologia medica
Bruce Grant;
Missing Links. Indigenous Life and Evolutionary Thought in the History of Russian Ethnography
Frederic W. Gleach;
Regna Darnell;
Local Knowledge, Global Stage
Morrow, Daniel;
Brookes, Barbara;
The Politics of Knowledge: Anthropology and Māori Modernity in Mid-Twentieth-Century New Zealand
Gray, Geoffrey;
“We Know the Aborigines Are Dying Out”: Aboriginal People and the Quest to Ensure Their Survival, Wave Hill Station, 1944
Mendiola Galván, Francisco;
Espacio, territorio y territorialidad simbólica. Casos y problemática de la arqueología en el norte de México
Joel Vargas-Domínguez;
The "Problematic" Otomi: Metabolism, Nutrition, and the Classification of Indigenous Populations in Mexico in the 1930's
Mathews, Andrew S.;
Instituting Nature: Authority, Expertise, and Power in Mexican Forests
David S. Dalton;
Mestizo Modernity: Race, Technology, and the Body in post-revolutionary Mexico.
Luis Reyes-Galindo;
(January 2017)
Molecular Detector (Non)Technology in Mexico
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