Mitcham, Carl (Author)
The rise of classic Euro-American philosophy of technology in the 1950s originally emphasized the importance of technologies as material entities and their mediating influence within human experience. Recent decades, however, have witnessed a subtle shift toward reflection on the activity from which these distinctly modern artifacts emerge and through which they are engaged and managed, that is, on engineering. What is engineering? What is the meaning of engineering? How is engineering related to other aspects of human existence? Such basic questions readily engage all major branches of philosophy - ontology, epistemology, ethics, political philosophy, and aesthetics - although not always to the same degree. The historico-philosophical and critical reflections collected here record a series of halting steps to think through engineering and the engineered way of life that we all increasingly live in what has been called the Anthropocene. The aim is not to promote an ideology for engineering but to stimulate deeper reflection among engineers and non-engineers alike about some basic challenges of our engineered and engineering lifeworld.
...MoreReview Cyrus C. M. Mody (April 2021) Review of "Steps toward a Philosophy of Engineering: Historico-Philosophical and Critical Essays". Technology and Culture (pp. 602-604).
Coates, Joseph F.;
(Fall 1997)
Engineering and the Future of Technology
Berne, Rosalyn W.;
(Summer 2019)
EES Perspective: Trust and Humility in an Ethics of Resilience Engineering
Wetmore, Jameson M.;
(Fall 2012)
The Value of the Social Sciences for Maximizing the Public Benefits of Engineering
Augustine, Dolores L.;
Frustrated technocrats: Engineers in the Ulbricht era
Florman, Samuel;
(Winter 2015)
An Interview with . . . Samuel C. Florman
Bugliarello, George;
(Spring 1998)
Engineering and the Crossroads of Our Species
Amadei, Bernard;
(Summer 2004)
Engineering for the Developing World
Metlay, Daniel;
(Fall 2012)
How Social Science Informs Engineering Practice
Martin, C. Dianne;
(Fall 2019)
EES Perspective -- When White Hats Wear Black Hats: The Ethics of Cybersecurity
Kasperson, Roger E.;
(Fall 2012)
A Perspective on the Social Amplifications of Risk
Bugliarello, George;
(Spring 2002)
Engineering and Homeland Defense
Petroski, Henry;
Images of progress: Conferences of engineers
Wolfgang König;
Education and Social Standing: German Engineers, 1870-1930
Jon A. Leydens;
Lucena, Juan C.;
Engineering justice: Transforming engineering education and practice
Goldman, S. L.;
Why We Need a Philosophy of Engineering: A Work in Progress
Kroes, Peter;
Meijers, Anthonie;
Mitcham, Carl;
Empirical Turn in the Philosophy of Technology
Eike-Christian Heine;
Jenseits von Kultur und Zivilisation - Vereinzelte moralische Ansprüche an Technik und Techniker im ersten Drittel des 20. Jahrhunderts
Manuel Silva Suárez;
Técnica e Ingeniería en España. VIII, Del noventayochismo al desarrollismo (Technology and Engineering in Spain. VIII, From nineties to developmentalism.)
Claudia Eckert;
Rafaela Hillerbrand;
Models in Engineering Design as Decision-Making Aids
Moriarty, Gene;
The Engineering Project: Its Nature, Ethics, and Promise
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