In her new book, Women Doctors in Weimar and Nazi Germany: Maternalism, Eugenics and Professional Identity (University of Toronto Press, 2019), Melissa Kravetz examines how German women physicians gained a foothold in the medical profession during the Weimar and Nazi periods, Women Doctors in Weimar and Nazi Germany reveals the continuity in rhetoric, strategy, and tactics of female doctors who worked under both regimes. Additionally, she explains how and why women occupied particular fields within the medical profession, how they presented themselves in their professional writing, and how they reconciled their medical perspectives with their views of the Weimar and later the Nazi state.
...MoreBook Melissa Kravetz (2019) Women Doctors in Weimar and Nazi Germany: Maternalism, Eugenics, and Professional Identity.
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Women Doctors in Weimar and Nazi Germany: Maternalism, Eugenics, and Professional Identity
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