Millard, Chris (Author)
Callard, Felicity Jane (Author)
We consider the influence that John Forrester’s work has had on thinking in, with, and from cases in multiple disciplines. Forrester’s essay ‘If p, Then What? Thinking in Cases’ was published in History of the Human Sciences in 1996 and transformed understandings of what a case was, and how case-based thinking worked in numerous human sciences (including, centrally, psychoanalysis). Forrester’s collection of essays Thinking in Cases was published posthumously, after his untimely death in 2015, and is the inspiration for the special issue we introduce. This comprises new research from authors working in and across the history of science and medicine, gender and sexuality studies, philosophy of science, semiotics, film studies, literary studies and comparative literature, psychoanalytic studies, medical humanities, and sociology. This research addresses what it means to reason in cases in particular temporal, spatial, or genre-focused contexts; introduces new figures (e.g. Eugène Azam, C. S. Peirce, Michael Balint) into lineages of case-based reasoning; emphasizes the unfinished and unfinishable character of some case reading and autobiographical accounts; and shows the frequency with which certain kinds of reasoning attempted with cases fail (often in instructive ways). The special issue opens up new directions for thinking and working with cases and case-based reasoning in the humanities and human sciences.
...MoreArticle Mary S. Morgan (2020) ‘If p? Then What?’ Thinking within, with, and from cases. History of the Human Sciences (pp. 198-217).
Article Michael J. Flexer (2020) If p0, Then 1: The Impossibility of Thinking Out Cases. History of the Human Sciences (pp. 175-197).
Article Jacy L. Young (2020) Thinking in Multitudes: Questionnaires and Composite Cases in Early American Psychology. History of the Human Sciences (pp. 160-174).
Article Jeremy Trevelyan Burman (2020) On Kuhn’s Case, and Piaget’s: A Critical Two-Sited Hauntology (or, on Impact Without Reference). History of the Human Sciences (pp. 129-159).
Article Maria Böhmer (2020) The Case as a Travelling Genre. History of the Human Sciences (pp. 111-128).
Article Kim M. Hajek (2020) Periodical Amnesia and Dédoublement in Case-Reasoning: Writing Psychological Cases in Late 19th-Century France. History of the Human Sciences (pp. 95-110).
Article Erik Linstrum (2020) The Case History in the Colonies. History of the Human Sciences (pp. 85-94).
Article Rachel Weitzenkorn (2020) Boundaries of Reasoning in Cases: The Visual Psychoanalysis of René Spitz. History of the Human Sciences (pp. 66-84).
Article Shaul Bar-Haim (2020) Proving Nothing and Illustrating Much: The Case of Michael Balint. History of the Human Sciences (pp. 47-65).
Article Matt ffytche (2020) Throwing the Case Open: The Impossible Subject of Luisa Passerini’s Autobiography of a Generation. History of the Human Sciences (pp. 33-46).
Article Julie Walsh (2020) Confusing Cases: Forrester, Stoller, Agnes, Woman. History of the Human Sciences (pp. 15-32).
Matt ffytche;
Throwing the Case Open: The Impossible Subject of Luisa Passerini’s Autobiography of a Generation
Shaul Bar-Haim;
Proving Nothing and Illustrating Much: The Case of Michael Balint
Mary S. Morgan;
‘If p? Then What?’ Thinking within, with, and from cases
Julie Walsh;
Confusing Cases: Forrester, Stoller, Agnes, Woman
Jeremy Trevelyan Burman;
On Kuhn’s Case, and Piaget’s: A Critical Two-Sited Hauntology (or, on Impact Without Reference)
Kim M. Hajek;
Periodical Amnesia and Dédoublement in Case-Reasoning: Writing Psychological Cases in Late 19th-Century France
Frederick Crews;
Freud: The Making of an Illusion
Maria Böhmer;
The Case as a Travelling Genre
Forrester, John;
The Psychoanalytic Case: Voyeurism, Ethics, and Epistemology in Robert Stoller's Sexual Excitement
André Ariew;
Yasha Rohwer;
Collin Rice;
Galton, reversion and the quincunx: The rise of statistical explanation
Jacy L. Young;
Thinking in Multitudes: Questionnaires and Composite Cases in Early American Psychology
Kevin C. Elliott;
Ted Richards;
Exploring Inductive Risk: Case Studies of Values in Science
Mary S. Morgan;
Exemplification and the use-values of cases and case studies
Michael J. Flexer;
If p0, Then 1: The Impossibility of Thinking Out Cases
Michael, Michael;
On the Validity of Freud's Dream Interpretations
Paul Dourish;
The stuff of bits: an essay on the materialities of information
Guido Gainotti;
A Historical Review of Investigations on Laterality of Emotions in the Human Brain
Corkin, Suzanne;
Permanent Present Tense: The Unforgettable Life of the Amnesic Patient, H.M.
Donzé, Pierre-Yves;
Luxury Business in Japan
Christina Malathouni;
Beyond the asylum and before the ‘care in the community’ model: Exploring an overlooked early NHS mental health facility
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