Book ID: CBB865964642

Big data e algoritmi. Prospettive critiche (2021)


Numerico, Teresa (Author)


Publication Date: 2021
Physical Details: 292 pp.
Language: Italian

Big data e algoritmi costruiscono correlazioni, regolarità e quantificazioni per proporre interpretazioni dei fenomeni sociali in base ad automatismi matematici. Tuttavia è un’illusione pensare che una comprensione automatica di abitudini ed eventi possa essere oggettiva e neutrale. Le tecnologie dell’intelligenza artificiale ambiscono a definire ciò che è stato e ad anticipare il futuro, ma sono state inventate e sviluppate da esseri umani, e ne conservano perciò il genio, l’instabilità, i pregiudizi, spesso anche l’arroganza. Affidarsi ad algoritmi per prendere decisioni in contesti incerti come quelli della vita reale, dove non è possibile determinare gli obiettivi univocamente, consente a chi definisce i criteri di farlo all’ombra del dispositivo tecnico, senza doversi assumere responsabilità, anche a rischio di esiti iniqui. È quindi necessario chiedere giustizia su dati e algoritmi: chi è oggetto di processi decisionali automatici deve ottenere spiegazioni esplicite e condivise per le scelte, pubbliche o private che siano. [Abstract translated by Google Translate: This is the abstract in English… Big data and algorithms build correlations, regularities and quantifications to propose interpretations of social phenomena based on mathematical automatisms. However, it is an illusion to think that an automatic understanding of habits and events can be objective and neutral. Artificial intelligence technologies aim to define what has been and to anticipate the future, but they were invented and developed by human beings, and therefore retain their genius, instability, prejudices - and, often, even their arrogance. Relying on algorithms to make decisions in uncertain contexts such as those of real life, where it is not possible to determine the objectives univocally, allows those who define the criteria to do so "in the shadow" of the technical device, without taking responsibility, even at the risk of unfair outcomes. It is therefore necessary to ask for justice on data and algorithms: those who are the object of automatic decision-making processes must obtain explicit and shared explanations for the choices, whether public or private.]

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Authors & Contributors
Asaro, Peter M.
Maggini, Golfo
Poon, Martha
Stevens, Hallam
Yoshua Bengio
Cedric Perret
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine
The Bridge: Journal of the National Academy of Engineering
Science, Technology, and Human Values
Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society
Osiris: A Research Journal Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
Research in Philosophy and Technology
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
MIT Press
New York University Press
Oxford University Press
Technology and society
Big data
Information technology
Computers and computing
Technology and ethics
Dreyfus, Hubert L.
Time Periods
21st century
20th century, late
20th century
United States
European Union
Facebook (firm)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT
Twitter (firm)
Google (firm)

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