Article ID: CBB864511502

The uses of useful knowledge and the languages of vernacular science: Perspectives from southwest India (2021)


In the first half of the eleventh century, a group of scholars in southwest India did something new. They began composing systematic texts about everyday life in a register of language sometimes called New Kannada. While looking back toward earlier texts composed in Sanskrit – and even translating portions of them – these scholars centered their poetic ability and their personal experiences as opposed to prior authoritative texts. They described themselves as authoring “worldly sciences” that were “useful to the people of the world,” and they provided extensive reflections on the systematics of knowledge. Epistemic, linguistic, and political concerns were significantly renegotiated in this moment as local context was turned into a virtue for the production of technical treatises. This article uses this moment to interrogate recent discussions of useful knowledge and vernacular science. Usefulness can mean different things at different times and vernacular sciences change according to their language. This article argues for a usage of both terms that is more attuned to historical particulars. A history of useful knowledge from a place that now appears under the double effacement of the non-modern and non-West offers an opportunity to think through central concepts of the history of science without relying on economic or utilitarian discourses. This paper presents one possible example of what a more global history of useful knowledge might look like.

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Authors & Contributors
Epple, Moritz
Floyd-Wilson, Mary
Ganeri, Jonardon
Guha, Sumit
Kaur, Raminder
Krishna, Sankaran
Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte
Foundations of Science
Historia Scientiarum: International Journal of the History of Science Society of Japan
I Tatti Studies: Essays in the Renaissance
Indian Journal of History of Science
Intellectual History Review
National University of Singapore Press
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources & China Research Institute for Science Popularization
Science and culture
Vernacular literature
Language and languages
Science and society
Patrizi, Francesco
Time Periods
20th century, late
21st century
16th century
17th century
18th century
19th century
Tamil Nadu (India)
Ottoman Empire
Persia (Iran)
Habsburg, House of

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