This paper focuses on nineteenth-century theories according to which intellectual disabilities find expression in physical impairment. Such theories became widespread in Switzerland due to the growing interest in a condition then called ‘cretinism’ – a specific form of ‘idiocy’ in the course of which mental and physical disintegration went hand in hand. The first institution for ‘cretinic’ children initially achieved considerable fame. However, it eventually failed completely, leading to a loss of interest in ‘cretinism’. Interestingly, the specific body–mind connection that was associated with ‘cretinism’ did not vanish; instead, it became important in the context of another intellectual disability that gained attention after the mid-nineteenth century: ‘idiocy’. Physical aspects became the main criteria for identifying ‘idiotic’ children in order to allocate them to special educational measures. The paper argues that the connection of an ‘abnormal’ mind to an impaired body allowed for the popularisation of knowledge regarding ‘idiotic’ children.
Maria Cristina Galmarini-Kabala;
Between Defectological Narratives and Institutional Realities: The "Mentally Retarded" Child in the Soviet Union of the 1930s
Dimitris Anastasiou;
Sophia Iliadou-Tachou;
Antonia Harisi;
The Influence of the School Hygiene and Paedology Movement on the Early Development of Special Education in Greece, 1900–1940: The Leading Role of Emmanuel Lambadarios
Sabine Arnaud;
Le sauvage, le sourd-muet et l’enfant ordinaire
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Those They Called Idiots: The Idea of the Disabled Mind from 1700 to the Present Day
Simon Jarrett;
Consciousness Reduced: The Role of the ‘Idiot’ in Early Evolutionary Psychology
Bonoli, Lorenzo;
Un développement difficile. Les statistiques dans le domaine de la formation professionnelle en Suisse entre 1880 et 1930
Annemieke van Drenth;
The ‘truth’ about Idiocy: Revisiting Files of Children in the Dutch ‘School for Idiots’ in the Nineteenth Century
Laurens Schlicht;
Connaître et éduquer l’« idiot »
Hubert Larose-Dutil;
« Full and Useful Lives » : La déficience intellectuelle au sein du discours médical canadien (1956–1972)
Margaret Porter;
Lucia Ferretti;
Histoire de l'hôpital Sainte-Anne de Baie-Saint-Paul
Jan Walmsley;
Intellectual Disability in the Twentieth Century: Transnational Perspectives on People, Policy, and Practice
De Luca Barrusse, Virginie;
Praz, Anne-Françoise;
The Emergence of Sex Education: A Franco-Swiss Comparison, 1900--1930
Gerodetti, Natalia;
Rational Subjects, Marriage Counselling and the Conundrums of Eugenics
Nelleke Bakker;
Identifying the ‘Subnormal’ Child in an Age of Expansion of Special Education and Child Science in the Netherlands (c.1945–1965)
Irina Podgorny;
Review of "La république naturaliste: collections d'histoire naturelle et révolution française (1789-1804)"
José Luis Peset;
Review of "Tiempos de melancolía: Creación y desengaño en la España del Siglo de Oro"
León León, Marco Antonio;
Rojas Gómez, Mauricio;
Construyendo al futuro ser social: Intervenciones médicas y pedagógicas en la infancia anormal. Santiago de Chile, 1920-1943
del Cura González, Mercedes;
Un patronato para los “anormales”: primeros pasos en la protección pública a los niños con discapacidad intelectual en España (1910--1936)
José Luis Peset;
Review of "Libro del desasosiego"
Leonor González de la Lastra;
Review of "Aulas Modernas: Nuevas Perspectivas Sobre Las Reformas De La Enseñanza Secundaria En La Época De La Jae (1907-1939)"
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