Calvão, Filipe (Author)
In 1957, the security force of Angola's colonial diamond mining company recruited African diviners to help them solve a case of diamond theft in Lunda. This event reveals a peculiar convergence of divinatory practices with techniques of corporate surveillance in Lunda's political economy of security. In their overlapping features of secrecy and control, divination and corporate security can be understood as historically aligned evidentiary practices, or what I call “corporate divination.” By examining divinatory rituals in tandem with the “occult” apparatus of corporate surveillance, and the figure of a colonial sorcerer-detective renowned for his “divinatory” prowess, I ask how such seemingly opposed modes of knowledge production eroded or shored up colonial rule. The cultural significance of divination within the context of a mining company, I suggest, exposes the conditions under which a colonial corporation appropriates the social world in which it intervenes, and conversely, the cultural resources that potentially shape or undermine corporate life in a colonial context.
Varanda, Jorge;
Cleveland, Todd;
(Un)healthy Relationships: African Labourers, Profits and Health Services in Angola's Colonial-Era Diamond Mines, 1917--75
Todd Cleveland;
Feeding the Aversion: Agriculture and Mining Technology on Angola’s Colonial-Era Diamond Mines, 1917–1975
Julie Parle;
Ludger Wimmelbücker;
‘These Are the Medicines That “Make” Monsters’: Thalidomide in Southern Africa, 1958–1962
David H. Price;
Cold War Anthropology: The CIA, the Pentagon, and the Growth of Dual Use Anthropology
Jack Ashby;
How collections and reputation were built out of Tasmanian violence: Thylacines (Thylacinus cynocephalus) and Aboriginal remains from Morton Allport (1830–1878)
William Eamon;
Corn, Cochineal, and Quina: The “Zilsel Thesis” in a Colonial Iberian Setting
Paul van Reyk;
True to the Land: A History of Food in Australia
John Britton Seitz;
Science and the Steppe: Agronomists, Nomads, and the Settler Colony on the Kazakh Steppe, 1881-1917
Ashanti Ke Ming Shih;
Invasive Ecologies: Science and Settler Colonialism in Twentieth-Century Hawai‘i
Hugo Silveira Pereira;
Colonial Railways and Conflict Resolution Between Portugal and the United Kingdom in Africa (c. 1880–early 1900s)
Varanda, Jorge;
Cuidados biomédicos de saúde em Angola e na Companhia de Diamantes de Angola, c. 1910--1970
Santos, Catarina Madeira;
Administrative Knowledge in a Colonial Context: Angola in the Eighteenth Century
Amaral, Isabel;
Bactéria ou parasita? a controvérsia sobre a etiologia da doença do sono e a participação portuguesa, 1898--1904
Hugo Silveira Pereira;
The Camera and the Railway: Framing the Portuguese Empire and Technological Landscapes in Angola and Mozambique, 1880s–1910s
Achim von Oppen;
Moving Along, Moving Across, Moving in Time: Linear Geographies, Translocal Practices, and the Making of the "Barotse Boundary," ca. 1890 to 1925
Maria do Mar de Mello Gago da Silva;
Robusta Empire: Coffee, Scientists and the Making of Colonial Angola (1898-1961)
Luciano Venturi;
Fabio Ostanello;
La grande pandemia di peste bovina in Africa. Cronache da un focolaio del 1897 in Sud-Angola
Gillian Allmond;
Liberty and the individual: the colony asylum in Scotland and England
Rosanna Dent;
Subject 01: Exemplary Indigenous Masculinity in Cold War Genetics
Jennifer Fraser;
Seizing the Means of Reproduction? Canada, Cancer Screening, and the Colonial History of the Cytopipette
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