Breathnach, Ciara (Author)
Brian Gurrin (Author)
Using civil registration as a prism this article examines the complicated interface between the authorities, medical professionals, women in childbirth and the aftermath of delivery. It argues that Irish maternal mortality was underestimated and provides a number of arguments in relation to the complex socio-medical environment to explain why. Our research shows how a combination of cavalier attitudes towards cause of death classification and liberal interpretations of William Farr’s Statistical Nosology, served to obscure the true extent of maternal mortality in Dublin City from 1864 to 1902. By offering a microhistory of maternal mortality reporting and registration this article problematises the merits of using civil registration data as a resource for the social history of medicine.
Tol, Deanne van;
Mothers, Babies, and the Colonial State: The Introduction of Maternal and Infant Welfare Services in Nigeria, 1925--1945
Campos, Maria Soledad Zarate;
L'assistance clinique et sanitaire de l'accouchement: Trajectoire nationale et influences internationales, Santiago du Chili, 1900--1950
Andreeva, Anna;
Couto-Ferreira, Erica;
Töpfer, Susanne;
Childbirth and Women's Healthcare in Pre-Modern Societies: An Assessment
Thuy Linh Nguyen;
Childbirth, Maternity, and Medical Pluralism in French Colonial Vietnam, 1880-1945
Rieder, Philip;
La Maternité de Genève (1874-1907), une nouvelle porte d'entrée dans la vie?
Schwartz, Marie Jenkins;
Birthing a Slave: Motherhood and Medicine in the Antebellum South
Mccalman, Janet;
Morley, Ruth;
Mothers' Health and Babies' Weights: The Biology of Poverty at the Melbourne Lying-in Hospital, 1857--83
Tanya O'Sullivan;
Geographies of City Science: Urban Life and Origin Debates in Late Victorian Dublin
Gregori Galofré-Vilà;
Bernard Harris;
Growth before birth: The relationship between placental weights and infant and maternal health in early twentieth-century Barcelona
Nuttall, Alison;
Maternity Charities, the Edinburgh Maternity Scheme and the Medicalisation of Childbirth, 1900--1925
Ciaran Wallace;
Feverish Activity: Dublin City Council and the Smallpox Outbreak of 1902-3
Alexander, Sally;
Primary Maternal Pre-Occupation: D. W. Winnicott and Social Democracy in Mid-20th Century Britain
Book Greenlees, Janet; Bryder, Linda; Western Maternity and Medicine, 1880--1990
Francesca Arena;
Trouble dans la maternité: Pour une histoire des folies puerpérales, XVIIIe-XXe siècles
Nuttall, Alison;
“Because of Poverty Brought into Hospital: ...” A Casenote-Based Analysis of the Changing Role of the Edinburgh Royal Maternity Hospital, 1850--1912
Beemer, Jeffrey K.;
Diagnostic Prescriptions: Shifting Boundaries in Nineteenth-Century Disease and Cause-of-Death Classification
Chen-I. Kuan;
(March 2020)
Understanding Technology in Birth Care from the Experiences of Taiwanese Obstetricians
Banks, Amanda Carson;
Birth chairs, midwives, and medicine
Christie, D. A.;
Tansey, E. M.;
Maternal Care: Witness Seminar Transcript
Sherra Murphy;
"The First National Museum": Dublin's Natural History Museum in the Mid-nineteenth Century
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