Chapter ID: CBB840080430

Medical Schools and Theories (2021)


The ancient “scientific knowledge” is less evidence-based than the modern science but more constructive. Under the guidance of constructivism, people apply traditional Chinese medicine in medical activities. This chapter introduces the four great medical schools in the Jin and Yuan dynasties as well as the medical schools of “cold damage” and “warm disease,” which were founded early but flourished late.

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Authors & Contributors
Wright, James R., Jr.
Hogan, David
Lampard, Robert
Stahnisch, Frank W.
Anderson, Warwick H.
Furth, Charlotte
Korean Journal of Medical History
Ziran Kexueshi Yanjiu (Studies in the History of Natural Sciences)
Archive for History of Exact Sciences
Canadian Bulletin of Medical History/Bulletin Canadienne d'Histoire de la Medecine
Chinese Journal for the History of Science and Technology
Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies
Chinese University of Hong Kong
University of Calgary Press
TidePool Press
Medical schools
Medical education and teaching
Universities and colleges
Medicine, Chinese traditional
East Asia, civilization and culture
Zhu, Zhenheng
Liu Hong
Watanabe, Mamoru
McLeod, Lionel E.
Time Periods
Jin Dynasty (China, 265-420)
20th century, early
Han dynasty (China, 202 B.C.-220 A.D.)
Yuan Dynasty (China, ca. 1260-1368)
12th century
13th century
Massachusetts (U.S.)
University of Calgary Cumming School of Medicine
Royal Commission on Health Services (Canada)
Yale University
University of Massachusetts

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