Book ID: CBB827481563

The Global Circulation of Chinese Materia Medica, 1700–1949: A Microhistory of the Caterpillar Fungus (2023)


Di, Lu (Author)

Springer Nature

Publication Date: 2023
Physical Details: 301
Language: English

This book explores the dissemination of knowledge around Chinese medicinal substances from the eighteenth to twentieth centuries in a global context. The author presents a microhistory of the caterpillar fungus, a natural, medicinal substance initially used by Tibetans no later than the fifteenth century and later assimilated into Chinese materia medica from the eighteenth century onwards. Tracing the transmission of the caterpillar fungus from China to France, Britain, Russia and Japan, the book investigates the tensions that existed between prevailing Chinese knowledge and new European ideas about the caterpillar fungus. Emerging in eighteenth and nineteenth-century Europe, these ideas eventually reached communities of scientists, physicians and other intellectuals in Japan and China. Seeking to examine why the caterpillar fungus engaged the attention of so many scientific communities across the globe, the author offers a transnational perspective on the making of modern European natural history and Chinese materia medica.

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Authors & Contributors
Unschuld, Paul Ulrich
Li, Shizhen
Krige, John G.
Vrhovski, Jan
Borgato, Maria Teresa
Cook, Harold John
History and Philosophy of Logic
Istoriko-Biologicheskie Issledovaniia
University of California Press
University of Chicago Press
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Harvard University Press
Presses Universitaires de Rennes
Princeton University Press
Natural history
Materia medica
Medicine, Chinese traditional
Encyclopedias (history)
Cross-national interaction
Li, Shizhen
Russell, Bertrand Arthur William
Time Periods
16th century
20th century, early
Han dynasty (China, 202 B.C.-220 A.D.)
Tsinghua University

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