Chapter ID: CBB826243941

A Note on Lines and Planes in Euclid’s Geometry (2015)


The purpose of this note is to remind readers of information at times well-known and at times almost forgotten, namely that for several centuries in the modern West Euclid’s Elements was simultaneously regarded as the epitome of knowledge and as flawed and confused. It is well known that many mathematicians brought up on Euclid and other Greek geometers complained that they found themselves compelled to accept the conclusions but not instructed in how to do geometry, and the long struggle with the parallel postulate has also been frequently discussed. The confusion discussed here is different, and relates to the concepts of straightness and shortest distance. It will also be suggested that the growing awareness of the defects in Euclid’s presentation by the end of the 18th century contributed to the creation of the new geometries of the 19th century: projective geometry and non-Euclidean geometry.

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Authors & Contributors
De Risi, Vincenzo
Aboav, David
Alvarez Jimenez, Carlos
Ambrosi, Gerhard Michael
Berlinski, David
Krol, Z.
Archive for History of Exact Sciences
Science in Context
Technai, An International Journal for Ancient Science and Technology
Apeiron: Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science
Foundations of Science
Basic Books
Princeton University Press
Springer, AIP Press
Pavia University Press
Non-euclidean geometry
Science, general histories
Development of science; change in science
Viète, François de la Bigotière
Pappus of Alexandria
Apollonius, of Perga
Descartes, René
Time Periods
16th century
18th century
19th century
Rome (Italy)
Ancient Near and Middle East: Egypt, Sumer, Babylon, Assyria, Mesopotamia, Palestine, Persia

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