Article ID: CBB824306625

Una Recerca sobre la Generació Perduda. El cas de les Centrals Hidroelèctriques de Pasteral i Pont de Bar [An Investigation Focused on the Hydroelectric Generation. The Case of the Pasteral and Pont De Bar Power Plants] (2020)


This work focuses, and documents, the technical and industrial history, from the beginning to the end, of two hydroelectric power plants that served to electrify two significant regions of Catalonia: Baix Empordà and Alt Urgell. First, it explains the approach in 1882, the different projects, and finally the construction of the El Pasteral power plant, which operated between the years 1908 to 1961, when it was scrapped to build a more powerful plant in the same place. Secondly, it explains the beginnings of the electrification of the city of La Seu d’Urgell, in the last years of the XIX century, the creation of the Cooperativa Eléctrica Urgelense at 1925, and its commitment to build a power plant in Segre river, in the Pont de Bar village. The project, the construction and the more or less adequate operation, since 1927, until 1982 when the plant was so damaged by a flood, that left it not operational.

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Authors & Contributors
Silva Suárez, Manuel
Camprubí, Lino
Roca Rosell, Antoni
Anduaga Egaña, Aitor
González Redondo, Francisco A.
Gouzévitch, Irina
Quaderns d'Història de l'Enginyeria
Llull: Revista de la Sociedad Española de Historia de las Ciencias y de las Técnicas
American Historical Review
Endeavour: Review of the Progress of Science
Engineering Studies
Environmental History
Real Academia de Ingeniería
Fundacion Juanelo Turriano
Institución Fernando el Católico
The MIT Press
University of California, Los Angeles
Technology transfer
Technology and politics
Betancourt y Molina, Agustín de
Franco, Francisco
Ramón y Cajal, Santiago
Torres Quevedo, Leonardo
Time Periods
20th century
19th century
20th century, early
18th century

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