Katherine Sharp Landdeck (Author)
When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor in December 1941, Cornelia Fort was already in the air. At twenty-two, Fort had escaped Nashville’s debutante scene for a fresh start as a flight instructor in Hawaii. She and her student were in the middle of their lesson when the bombs began to fall, and they barely made it back to ground that morning. Still, when the U.S. Army Air Forces put out a call for women pilots to aid the war effort, Fort was one of the first to respond. She became one of just over 1,100 women from across the nation to make it through the Army’s rigorous selection process and earn her silver wings. The brainchild of trailblazing pilots Nancy Love and Jacqueline Cochran, the Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP) gave women like Fort a chance to serve their country—and to prove that women aviators were just as skilled as men. While not authorized to serve in combat, the WASP helped train male pilots for service abroad, and ferried bombers and pursuits across the country. Thirty-eight WASP would not survive the war. But even taking into account these tragic losses, Love and Cochran’s social experiment seemed to be a resounding success—until, with the tides of war turning, Congress clipped the women’s wings. The program was disbanded, the women sent home. But the bonds they’d forged never failed, and over the next few decades they came together to fight for recognition as the military veterans they were—and for their place in history.
David K. Vaughan;
(Fall 2017)
The French Pilot Training Experience at Oscoda Army Air Field During World War II
1st Lt. L.C Beck, Jr.;
Fighter Pilot
Nina Baker;
Adventures in aeronautical design : the life of Hilda M. Lyon
Wolverton, Mark;
(Winter 2020)
Female Computers, Unsung Heroes of World War II
Jayson A. Altieri;
Government Girls: Crowd-Sourcing Aircraft in World War II
Bill Norton;
American Bomber Aircraft Development in World War 2
James Mills;
Pandora's box closed: The Royal Air Force Institute of Aviation Medicine and Nazi medical experiments on human beings during World War II
Post, Carl A.;
Forward Air Control: A Royal Australian Air Force Innovation
Baucom, Donald R.;
Wakes of War: Contrails and the Rise of Air Power, 1918--1945---Part I: Early Sightings and Preliminary Explanations, 1918--1938
Bill Cahill;
Ferret: Evolution of a Design Concept
Brady, Tim;
American Aviation Experience: A History
S. Carlisle May;
A World War II Flight Surgeon's Story
Mizusawa, Hikari;
The Army's Plan to Build “The Central Aeronautical Institute” and the Technology Board's Prioritizing the Aviation Technology
Connolly, Thomas J.;
World War II
Brady, Tim;
U.S. Airlines from 1930 to World War II
Carl, Ann B.;
A Wasp Among Eagles: A Woman Military Test Pilot in World War II
Nishiyama, Takashi;
Aeronautical Technology for Pilot Safety: Reexamining Deck-Landing Aircraft in Great Britain, Japan, and the United States
Lünen, Alexander Von;
“Splendid Isolation”? Aviation Medicine in World War II
Krzysztof Dabrowski;
Tsar Bomba: Live Testing of Soviet Nuclear Bombs, 1949-1962
Rick Bishop;
Shady Lady: Flying the U-2 Spy Plane
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