Lindsey E. Cochran (Author)
Sarah E. Miller (Author)
Heather Wholey (Author)
Ramie A. Gougeon (Author)
Meg Gaillard (Author)
Emily Jane Murray (Author)
Katherine G. Parker (Author)
Steven Filoromo (Author)
Allyson Ropp (Author)
Carole Nash (Author)
Karen Y. Smith (Author)
Sara Ayers-Rigsby (Author)
William B. Lees (Author)
David G. Anderson (Author)
Lori Lee (Author)
McKenna Litynski (Author)
Nicole Grinnan (Author)
Archaeologists use the same terms with vastly different meanings, resulting in ineffective communication. Time is of the essence when working with heritage at risk, and standardized language facilitates effective conversations and actions to describe, interpret, and communicate aspects of archaeology in the time of climate change. A panel at the 2022 Society for Historical Archaeology conference was sponsored by the Heritage at Risk Committee to delineate the meaning of the oft-used but rarely defined terms “site,” “resource,” “significance,” “risk,” “triage,” “data,” “audience,” and “sustainability.” The purpose of this article is to take a step toward disciplinary unification to facilitate future dialogue and action through modeling, monitoring, and mitigating heritage at risk.
...MoreArticle Sarah E. Miller; Jeneva P. Wright (2023) Introduction: Archaeology of the Anthropocene: Historical Archaeology’s Response to the Climate Crisis. Historical Archaeology (pp. 448-472).
Allyson Ropp;
Cultural Intertidal and Riverine Education: Using Field Schools to Incorporate Climate Change into Historical Archaeological Research
Sarah E. Miller;
Jeneva P. Wright;
Introduction: Archaeology of the Anthropocene: Historical Archaeology’s Response to the Climate Crisis
Amritha Ballal;
Geijerstam, Jan af,;
Bhopal2011: Landscapes of Memory
Emily Jane Murray;
Using 3-D Digital-Heritage Techniques to Document Heritage at Risk: A Case Study from Florida
Hana Morel;
Lara Band;
Caroline Barrie-Smith;
Grant Bettinson;
Sam Griffiths;
Oliver Hutchinson;
Chris Kolonko;
Gustav Milne;
Danielle Newman;
Lawrence Northall;
Andy Sherman;
Hannah Thompson;
Water Heritage and the Importance of Local Knowledge in Climate Action
Juan M Cano Sanchiz;
(August 2018)
Energy and railway workshops: An archaeology of the FEPASA complex (Jundiaí, Brazil)
Sam Robinson;
Megan Baumhammer;
Lea Beiermann;
Daniel Belteki;
Amy C. Chambers;
Kelcey Gibbons;
Edward Guimont;
Kathryn Heffner;
Emma-Louise Hill;
Jemma Houghton;
Daniella Mccahey;
Sarah Qidwai;
Charlotte Sleigh;
Nicola Sugden;
James Sumner;
Innovation in a Crisis: Rethinking Conferences and Scholarship in a Pandemic and Climate Emergency
Sophie A. De Beaune;
Alessandro Guidi;
Oscar Moro Abadia;
Massimo Tarantini;
New Advances in the History of Archaeology: Proceedings of the XVIII Uispp World Congress 4-9 June 2018, Paris, France Sessions Organised by the ... of the XVIII Uispp World Congress, 16)
Lesen, Amy E.;
Scientists, Experts, and Civic Engagement: Walking a Fine Line
Sagarin, Rafe;
Pauchard, Aníbal;
Observation and Ecology: Broadening the Scope of Science to Understand a Complex World
Shana Lee Hirsch;
Jerrold Long;
(March 2021)
Adaptive Epistemologies: Conceptualizing Adaptation to Climate Change in Environmental Science
Paddy Woodworth;
Our Once and Future Planet: Restoring the World in the Climate Change Century
Myanna Lahsen;
(September 2016)
Toward a Sustainable Future Earth: Challenges for a Research Agenda
Michael Oppenheimer;
Naomi Oreskes;
Dale Jamieson;
Keynyn Brysse;
Jessica O’Reilly;
Matthew Shindell;
Milena Wazeck;
Discerning Experts: The Practices of Scientific Assessment for Environmental Policy
Carey, Mark;
Garone, Philip;
Howkins, Adrian;
Endfield, Georgina H.;
Culver, Lawrence;
White, Sam;
Johnson, Sherry;
Fleming, James Rodger;
Forum: Climate Change and Environmental History
Francesco Luzzini;
Going (more) Historical. On Environment, Science and Discourse
Paola Govoni;
Maria Giovanna Belcastro;
Alessandra Bonoli;
Giovanna Guerzoni;
Ripensare l’Antropocene. Oltre natura e cultura
Jennifer E. Jones;
Edward Pollard;
Kieran Craven;
James Barry;
Anthony Corns;
Sandra Henry;
Robert Shaw;
Linda Shine;
Louise Baker;
Understanding Pressures to Archaeological Heritage in the Face of Climate Change: An Integrated Approach to Coastal-Zone Assessments in Ireland
Noort, Robert Van de;
Climate Change Archaeology: Building Resilience from Research in the World's Coastal Wetlands
Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellow William Carruthers;
William Carruthers;
Flooded Pasts: UNESCO, Nubia, and the Recolonization of Archaeology
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