Aleksandra Stelmach (Author)
Nerlich, Brigitte (Author)
Hartley, Sarah (Author)
Gene drive is a controversial biotechnology for pest control. Despite a commitment from gene drive researchers to responsibility and the key role of the media in debates about science and technology, little research has been conducted on media reporting of gene drive. We employ metaphor and discourse analysis to explore how responsibility is reflected in the coverage of this technology in the U.S., U.K., and Australian press. The findings reveal a rhetorical strategy of trust-building by evoking the moral attributes of gene drive researchers. We discuss the implications of these findings for the communication of new technologies.
Rachel K. Gibson;
When the Nerds Go Marching In: How Digital Technology Moved from the Margins to the Mainstream of Political Campaigns
Hye Kyung Kim;
Jisoo Ahn;
Lucy Atkinson;
Lee Ann Kahlor;
Effects of COVID-19 Misinformation on Information Seeking, Avoidance, and Processing: A Multicountry Comparative Study
Vilceanu, M. Olguta;
Framing Science: Media Coverage of Genetically Modified Foods in United States and France, 1998--2002
Adrian Ely;
Beate Friedrich;
Dominic Glover;
Klara Fischer;
Glenn Davis Stone;
Ann Kingiri;
Matthew A. Schnurr;
Governing Agricultural Biotechnologies in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany: A Trans-decadal Study of Regulatory Cultures
Palmer, Sarah E.;
Schibeci, Renato A.;
What Conceptions of Science Communication are Espoused by Science Research Funding Bodies?
Cody Lane O'Toole;
Unveiling Conceptual Shifts and Novel Dynamics in Genetic Engineering Science: A Gene Drive Case Study
Gail Davies;
Locating the ‘culture wars’ in laboratory animal research: National constitutions and global competition
Bernard Brabin;
An Analysis of the United States and United Kingdom Smallpox Epidemics (1901–5) – The Special Relationship that Tested Public Health Strategies for Disease Control
Johan Alfredo Linthorst;
Research between Science, Society and Politics: The History and Scientific Development of Green Chemistry
Jennifer Kuzma;
Governance of Gene-edited Plants: Insights from the History of Biotechnology Oversight and Policy Process Theory
Michael F. Dahlstrom;
Zhe Wang;
Sonja Lindberg;
Kasey Opfer;
Christopher L. Cummings;
The Media’s Taste for Gene-Edited Food: Comparing Media Portrayals within US and European Regulatory Environments
Naoko Kato-Nitta;
Masashi Tachikawa;
Yusuke Inagaki;
Tadahiko Maeda;
Public Perceptions of Risks and Benefits of Gene-edited Food Crops: An International Comparative Study between the US, Japan, and Germany
Jasanoff, Sheila;
Designs on Nature: Science and Democracy in Europe and the United States
Gaudillière, Jean-Paul;
Globalization and Regulation in the Biotech World: The Transatlantic Debates over Cancer Genes and Genetically Modified Crops
Kleinman, Daniel Lee;
Kinchy, Abby J.;
Why Ban Bovine Growth Hormone? Science, Social Welfare, and the Divergent Biotech Policy Landscapes in Europe and the United States
Malard, Bregoire;
Global Science and National Sovereignty: Studies in Historical Sociology of Science
Marjoleine G. van der Meij;
Jacqueline E. W. Broerse;
Frank Kupper;
(December 2017)
Supporting Citizens in Reflection on Synthetic Biology by Means of Video-Narratives
Ivanka Pjesivac;
Marlit A. Hayslett;
Matthew T. Binford;
To Eat or Not to Eat: Framing of GMOs in American Media and Its Effects on Attitudes and Behaviors
Taylor K. Ruth;
Joy N. Rumble;
Alexa J. Lamm;
Traci Irani;
Jason D. Ellis;
Are American’s Attitudes Toward GM Science Really Negative? An Academic Examination of Attitudes and Willingness to Expose Attitudes
Julia Metag;
Mike S. Schäfer;
Tobias Füchslin;
Tjado Barsuhn;
Katharina Kleinen-von Königslöw;
(April 2016)
Perceptions of Climate Change Imagery: Evoked Salience and Self-Efficacy in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria
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