Article ID: CBB817367931

InterFaces: On the relationality of vision, face and race in practices of identification. A multimodal intervention (2023)


This article problematizes vision in practices of identification. It draws on the metaphor of the ‘interface’ to emphasize that vision emerges ‘in between’ eyes, faces, bodies, objects and ideas of belonging and otherness. As such, vision can be a material and political technology that enacts certain people as racial others. To attend to the materiality and politics of vision and its messy relationship with race, I bring together three European stories in which faces are drawn, seen or identified, while race hides or surfaces in intriguing ways. Through these stories we learn that race is saturated with affect and is recalled in objects and bodies. In addition, this article offers a novel methodological approach. It employs the eyes of the reader not only to read but also to watch. Vision itself becomes a technology, this time not to produce or reinforce, but to disturb and perhaps even undo ideas of racial otherness. Through the use of experimental montage, I attend to the complexities and incongruities of seeing faces and race without settling on a single narrative. I actively engage the eyes of the viewer to argue that vision is always relational and partial and therefore, it can also be harnessed to undo racial otherness by fragmenting, multiplying and affecting.

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Authors & Contributors
Beattie, James
Clark, Stuart
De Keyser, Veronique
Dittelbach, Thomas
Goldgar, Anne
Grootenboer, Hanneke
Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
Social Studies of Science
Ambix: Journal of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry
Health and History
História, Ciências, Saúde---Manguinhos
History of the Human Sciences
Kluwer Academic
Oxford University Press
University of Chicago Press
University of Pennsylvania Press
Bonaventura, Saint
Brongniart, Alexandre
Chaptal, Jean-Antoine
Church, Arthur Herbert
Du Bois, William Edward B.
Newton, Isaac
Time Periods
18th century
Early modern
17th century
19th century
16th century
Mediterranean region

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