Joop A. Peters (Author)
Bekkum, Herman van (Editor)
Spatial insight is essential in many fields of chemistry. Therefore, three-dimensional models are indispensable tools both in chemical education and research. Already in the early days of spatial thinking in organic chemistry, Henri Derx constructed such models, which were important in the pioneering research that was carried out on the conformational analysis of cyclic compounds in the group of Jacob Böeseken at Delft. In this paper, this work of Derx and his doctoral advisor Böeseken is put in a historical perspective. Furthermore, the careers of these two chemists is followed after their joint research on conformational analysis.
Manuel DeLanda;
Philosophical Chemistry: Genealogy of a Scientific Field
Fisher, Grant;
The Autonomy of Models and Explanation: Anomalous Molecular Rearrangements in Early Twentieth-Century Physical Organic Chemistry
Gail Higginbottom;
Roger Clay;
Fabien Voisin;
Phong Nguyen;
Testing Landscape as Cultural Expression
Fournier, Marian;
Electron Microscopy in Second World War Delft
Schummer, Joachim;
Models in Chemistry (3): Modeling Complex Systems
Klein, Ursula;
Lenoir, Timothy;
Gumbrecht, Hans Ulrich;
Experiments, Models, Paper Tools: Cultures of Organic Chemistry in the Nineteenth Century
Scott Alan Johnston;
Managing the observatory: Discipline, order and disorder at Greenwich, 1835–1933
Lena Ferriday;
‘An indispensable aid’: Urban mobility, networks and the guidebook in Bristol, 1900–1930
Pi-Ling Pai;
Where military and fluvial geographies disastrously conjoined: The Huayuankou flood of 1938–1947 during the Sino-Japanese war
Melissa Charenko;
Blowing in the Wind: Pollen’s Mobility as a Challenge to Measuring Climate by Proxy, 1916–1939
Jan Musekamp;
Shifting Lines, Entangled Borderlands: Mobilities and Migration along the Prussian Eastern Railroad
Ian M. Davis;
Antoni van Leeuwenhoek and measuring the invisible: The context of 16th and 17th century micrometry
Sanden, Maarten van der;
Herbergs, Ben;
Wakker, K. F.;
Delfts goud. Leven en werken van achttien markante hoogleraren
Tiemen Cocquyt;
Een vroeg telescoopje uit Delft
Tiemen Cocquyt;
De identificatie van een zilveren microscoopje van Antoni van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723)
Taatgen, Alice;
De groote Petrus Nannius van Alkmaar' Een mansportret door Cornelis Buys II in de collectie van het Stedelijk Museum Alkmaar geïdentificeerd
Zuidervaart, Huib J.;
Rijks, Marlise;
“Most rare workmen”: Optical Practitioners in Early Seventeenth-Century Delft
Giersbergen, Wilma van;
Een unieke collectie bedreigd: De verzameling van het NMi Museum ljkwezen te Delft
Arthur Greenberg;
James Flack Norris: His Early Contributions to Physical Organic Chemistry
Röker, Klaus-D.;
Vulkanisation---chemische Reaktion oder Adsorptionsvorgang? Eine Kontroverse zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts
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