Article ID: CBB811810846

Pioneering Molecular Models for Cycloalkanes by Derx in Böeseken's Laboratory at Delft, A Century Ago (2021)


Spatial insight is essential in many fields of chemistry. Therefore, three-dimensional models are indispensable tools both in chemical education and research. Already in the early days of spatial thinking in organic chemistry, Henri Derx constructed such models, which were important in the pioneering research that was carried out on the conformational analysis of cyclic compounds in the group of Jacob Böeseken at Delft. In this paper, this work of Derx and his doctoral advisor Böeseken is put in a historical perspective. Furthermore, the careers of these two chemists is followed after their joint research on conformational analysis.

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Authors & Contributors
Cocquyt, Tiemen
Clay, Roger
Fisher, Grant
Fournier, Marian
Giersbergen, Wilma van
Greenberg, Arthur R.
Studium: Tijdschrift voor Wetenschaps- en Universiteitgeschiedenis
British Journal for the History of Science
Journal of Historical Geography
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
American Chemical Society
Bloomsbury Academic
Indiana University Press
Stanford University Press
Technische Universiteit Delft
Organic chemistry
Spatial analysis
Models and modeling in science
Scientific apparatus and instruments
Physical chemistry
Leeuwenhoek, Antoni van
Foreest, Pieter van
Remsen, Ira
Opmeer, Petrus
Nannius, Petrus
Norris, James Flack
Time Periods
20th century, early
19th century
17th century
16th century
18th century
20th century
Delft (Netherlands)
Prussia (Germany)
Amsterdam (Netherlands)
Yellow River (China)
Royal Observatory Greenwich
Royal Society of London
Louvain. Université

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