Article ID: CBB809518784

Intersecting aims, divergent paths: The Allensbach Institute, the Institute for Social Research, and the making of public opinion research in 1950s West Germany (2021)


After 1945, both the Western Allies in Germany and some German social scientists embraced empirical public opinion research. This article examines the rhetoric, practices, and collaborative professional efforts of two of the most significant institutions conducting opinion research in West Germany in the 1950s: the Allensbach Institute and the Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt. Although the political stances of these institutions differed, they were motivated to apply empirical research methods associated with Anglo‐American social research to the West German population by shared concerns about the fragility of democracy, faith in the empirical sciences as an antidote to Nazi‐era thought patterns, and the need to form a united front against doubters within West Germany. Even while declaring their desire to incorporate the latest empirical advances from the United States, however, they sought to articulate the meaning of their methods and findings in terms of the specific challenges faced by West Germany.

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Authors & Contributors
Albrecht, Helmuth
Almeida, Mike
Bauer, Martin W.
Brint, Steven
DiMoia, John P.
Geissler, P. W.
Minerva: A Review of Science, Learning and Policy
Scientia Canadensis: Journal of the History of Canadian Science, Technology, and Medicine
Agricultural History
American Ethnologist
Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte
East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal
University of Pennsylvania
Columbia University Press
University of Minnesota Press
Research institutes; research stations
Social sciences
Universities and colleges
Societies; institutions; academies
Public policy
Science and politics
Butenandt, Adolf
Kendrew, John Cowdery
Lazarsfeld, Paul F.
Simon, Herbert A.
Waddington, Conrad Hal
Time Periods
20th century, late
21st century
20th century
20th century, early
United States
West Germany
Great Britain
European Molecular Biology Organization
Carnegie Institute of Technology
Rhodes-Livingstone Institute

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