Book ID: CBB799437532

The Quest for Sexual Health: How an Elusive Ideal Has Transformed Science, Politics, and Everyday Life (2022)


Offering an entryway into the distinctive worlds of sexual health and a window onto their spillover effects, sociologist Steven Epstein traces the development of the concept and parses the debates that swirl around it. Since the 1970s, health professionals, researchers, governments, advocacy groups, and commercial interests have invested in the pursuit of something called "sexual health." Under this expansive banner, a wide array of programs have been launched, organizations founded, initiatives funded, products sold—and yet, no book before this one asks: What does it mean to be sexually healthy? When did people conceive of a form of health called sexual health? And how did it become the gateway to addressing a host of social harms and the reimagining of private desires and public dreams?  Conjoining "sexual" with "health" changes both terms: it alters how we conceive of sexuality and transforms what it means to be healthy, prompting new expectations of what medicine can provide. Yet the ideal of achieving sexual health remains elusive and open-ended, and the benefits and costs of promoting it are unevenly distributed across genders, races, and sexual identities. Rather than a thing apart, sexual health is intertwined with nearly every conceivable topical debate—from sexual dysfunction to sexual violence, from reproductive freedom to the practicalities of sexual contact in a pandemic. In this book Steven Epstein analyzes the rise, proliferation, uptake, and sprawling consequences of sexual health activities, offering critical tools to assess those consequences, expand capacities for collective decision making, and identify pathways that promote social justice.

Reviewed By

Review Arnav Bhattacharya (2023) Review of "The Quest for Sexual Health: How an Elusive Ideal Has Transformed Science, Politics, and Everyday Life". Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences (pp. 225-226). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Carlo Gelmetti
Baumohl, Jim
Drinot, Paulo
Egan, R. Danielle
Ellison, Jenny
Hawkes, Gail
Asclepio: Archivo Iberoamericano de Historia de la Medicina
Book History
East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal
History of Psychiatry
International Journal of Middle East Studies
Journal of British Studies
Cambridge University Press
University of Toronto Press
Bryn Mawr College, Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research
Sexual hygiene
Sexually transmitted diseases
Skin diseases
Fracastoro, Girolamo
al-Rāzī, Abū Bakr Muḥammad ibn Zakariyyā
Monlau, Pedro Felipe
Time Periods
19th century
20th century
18th century
20th century, early
21st century
15th century
Great Britain
Tuscany (Italy)

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