Kateřina Lišková (Author)
Natalia Jarska (Author)
Annina Gagyiova (Author)
José Luis Aguilar López-Barajas (Author)
Šárka Caitlín Rábová (Author)
After World War II, infant mortality rates started dropping steeply. We show how this was accomplished in socialist countries in East-Central Europe. Focusing on the two postwar decades, we explore comparatively how medical experts in Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and East Germany saved fragile newborns. Based on an analysis of medical journals, we argue that the Soviet Union and its medical practices had only a marginal influence; the four countries followed the recommendations of the World Health Organization instead, despite not being members. Importantly, we analyze the expert clashes over definitions of livebirth, which impact infant mortality statistics. We analyze the divergent practices and negotiations between countries: since the infant mortality rate came to represent the level of socioeconomic advancement, its political significance was paramount. Analyzing the struggle to reduce infant mortality thus helps us understand how socialist countries positioned themselves within the transnational framework while being members of the “socialist bloc.”
Kateřina Lišková;
History of Medicine in Eastern Europe: Sexual Medicine and Women’s Reproductive Health in Czechoslovakia, Poland, and Hungary
Kateřina Lišková;
Alain Giami;
Sharman Levinson;
Sexology’s Unexpected Progressiveness in the Cold War East: Shaping People’s Sexual Selves, Creating Socialist Societies
Marius Turda;
The History of East-Central European Eugenics, 1900-1945: Sources and Commentaries
Daniel Heller;
Revival of psychology in former Czechoslovakia and the contemporary Czech Republic after the fall of Totalitarian communist regimes
Mitchell G. Ash;
Psychology and the fall of Communism: The special case of (East) Germany
Csaba Pléh;
Changes in Hungarian academic psychology after the end of "people's democracy"
Amadeusz Citlak;
Psychology of the Lvov‐Warsaw School and the shape of postcommunist Polish psychology (unfinished dialog with Brentanian tradition)
Sören Urbansky;
Max Trecker;
Kremlinology revisited: The nuances of reporting on China in the Eastern bloc press
Igor J Polianski;
National Socialist Medical Literature and the Censorship Practices in the Soviet Occupation Zone and Early East German State
Anne Kluger;
Between pottery and politics? “Slavic archaeology” in communist Poland and East Germany and its interrelations with politics and ideology. A biographical-comparative approach
Dzhalilov, D. A.;
Nauchnye i kul'turnye kontakty SSSR i Chekhoslovakii v gody “khrushchevskoi ottepeli”
Diego Barría Traverso;
Eduardo Carreño Lara;
Welcome to Santiago: Commercial aviation relations between Chile and the socialist countries, 1970–1973
Doubravka Olšáková;
A Matter of Courtesy: The Role of Soviet Diplomacy and Soviet “System Safeguards” in Maintaining Soviet Influence on Czechoslovak Science before and after 1968
Durnová, Helena;
Sovietization of Czechoslovakian Computing: The Rise and Fall of the SAPO Project
Koch, Erin;
Free Market Tuberculosis: Managing Epidemics in Post-Soviet Georgia
Michael Kaasch;
Joachim Kaasch;
Torsten K. D. Himmel;
Biologie in der DDR: Beiträge zur 24. Jahrestagung der DGGTB in Greifswald 2015.
Mette, Alexander;
Nachdruck: Die Bedeutung der sowjetischen Neuropathologie und Psychiatrie für die Neugestaltung der Fachrichtung während des Aufbaus des Gesundheitsschutzes in der DDR
Litsios, Socrates;
The Third Ten Years of the World Health Organization, 1968--1977
Bhattacharya, Sanjoy;
Struggling to a Monmental Triumph: Re-assessing the Final Phases of the Smallpox Eradication Program in India, 1960--1980
Jo Robertson;
The International Campaign Against Leprosy: 1948 - 2005
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