Hoogvelt, Ankie M. M. (Author)
Globalization is at the heart of debates about the present phase of development of the world economy. In "Globalization and the Postcolonial World," Ankie Hoogvelt joins these debates to examine the ways in which globalization is affecting the countries of the developing world. Taking a new look at historical trends and theories in development studies, Hoogvelt places special emphasis on emerging global forms of production, exchange, and governance. She describes the diverse impacts of globalization in Sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East, East Asia, and Latin America, the identifying different postcolonial responses in each of these regions. (Worldcat)
...MoreEssay Review Klingner, Donald E. (2003) Review Essay: Globalization, Development and Privatization: What's the Question, What's the Answer?. Comparative Technology Transfer and Society (pp. 328-336).
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