Polónia, Amélia (Author)
Antunes, Cátia (Author)
The rise of the First Global Age is an achievement traditionally understood as part of an ongoing process that started during the fifteenth century with the beginning of the Portuguese overseas expansion, followed by the Spanish, the Dutch, the British, the French and, later on, the Swedish and the Danish. Within this understanding, the greatest contribution of the Portuguese to the history of globalization was not so much the unravelling of the maritime route to Asia or the arrival in Brazil, but the transformation of bilateral contacts into multilateral and multilayered relationships in different parts of the world (Russell-Wood). These relationships between Europeans, Africans, Americans and Asians grew exponentially in the sixteenth century and created global networks that served as liaison between an ever-growing number of seaports. Maritime circuits and port cities became the perfect interface in which different networks, economic systems, institutional set-ups and political power games were played. Port cities all over the world left their role as regional players to become world cross-cultural gateways. This book intends to underline the importance of the changes some ports, marked by the Portuguese presence, went through because of the connections promoted by a world-wide transformative exchange. The book brings to the fore a multi-focal approach designed to underline phenomena that derive from morphological and environmental aspects, to economic dynamics, social transformations, cultural and religious practices.
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Navegação e cartografia náutica nos séculos XV e XVI
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Lange, Even;
Nybø, Andreas;
Maritime Entrepreneurs and Policy-Makers: A Historical Approach to Contemporary Economic Globalization
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Lino Camprubí;
Technology and Globalisation – Networks of Experts in World History
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A construção naval nos séculos XVI e XVII: dados para a sua reconstrução histórica
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“Even in the Remotest Corners of the World”: Globalized Piracy and International Law, 1500--1900
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Stanley, Tom;
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The Golden Dream: A History of the St. Lawrence Seaway
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Jenkins, Martin;
Liverpool: Seaport City
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The Maritime Landscape of Roman Britain: Water Transport on the Coasts and Rivers of Britannia
Ruthy Gertwagen;
Nautical Technology
Paine, Lincoln. P.;
The Sea and Civilization: A Maritime History of the World
José Mária Moreno Madrid;
Henrique Leitão;
Atravessando a Porta do Pacífico - Roteiros e Relatos da Travessia do Estreito de Magalhães 1520-1620
Antonio Sánchez;
Joaquim Alves Gaspar;
Alexandra Curvelo;
A Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal: Uma Viagem pelo Conhecimento — Catálogo da Exposição Digital
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Roles of the Sea in Medieval England
Roger Kinns;
Visual time signals for mariners between their introduction and 1947: A new perspective
Taylor, Miles;
The Victorian Empire and Britain's Maritime World, 1837--1901: The Sea and Global History
Hoving, A. J.;
Wildeman, Diederick;
Witsen, Nicolaas;
Nicolaes Witsen and Shipbuilding in the Dutch Golden Age
Buraselis, Kostas;
Stefanou, Mary;
Thompson, Dorothy J.;
The Ptolemies, the Sea and the Nile: Studies in Waterborne Power
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